All kidding aside, I am genuinely curious how that particular typo happened.
All kidding aside, I am genuinely curious how that particular typo happened.
Try a vpntub then.
Start off by grabbing a httpstub of cottage cheese
There’s an infinite number of hardware configurations and it’s impossible to account for all of them.
There are sooo many different variables to keep track of on PC based on what is in someone’s tower. So it’s harder to test when you have to set up more tests systems to account for the variations.
As to #2, I disagree - she did qualify for British citizenship, so why shouldn’t she be able to compete for them? I agree that in cases where there is no connection, that finding ways (including expedited migration processes) is bullshit.
That’s weird because we clearly both go to kotaku and they spoil stuff all the time. Granted, not everyone sees the same things as spoilers.
I feel like devs are just gonna ditch PC altogether at some point. Well, except CD Projekt Red of course.
Unfortunately, sometimes you don’t have many options. Have you ever taken a road trip? Been invited to dinner by family members to their favorite restaurant? There are places where chains really are one of the very few options (esp if you end up trying to find a meal on some “off” hour and ma and pa’s diner closed at…
Picked it up for $5 and surprisingly yes!
That was my thought exactly. They just don’t want to show how bad the PC port is and are just looking for an excuse. People data mine on all platforms.
I am guessing you have worked only with a software product that is almost only code, not data dependencies.
I also refuse. Mac and cheese or die.
Because a lack of PC has stopped Destiny players from data mining.
While I’m fully on board with not gorging on meals with thousands of calories and milligrams of sodium, some of their advice to beat it is just dumb:
I respect the hell out of this decision. The data miners don’t care about spoilers, but a lot of people do. There’s not enough surprises in video games these days.
It’s pretty obvious that the pc port is garbage (in it’s current state) and they don’t want to show that to the public so they made up an semi-plausible excuse.