
your isp can do w/e they want i sometimes get down speeds of 5kb/s and other times get them at 45/mb

I felt that my reflexes were a bit twitchier than usual this morning, but I’m a noob at Overwatch, so who knows...

The atmosphere is good. Story is decent (I haven’t read the source material). The controls are... below average. Animations are atrocious.

Yeah that makes me pissed off too that the game ended on a a cliff hanger. The last boss fight was total shit but the rest of the single player game was a blast.

Uhhh this isn’t new though. I’ve been out of tabletop gaming for years but back around the turn of the century, they were already known for sucking prettty bad. Hell they’re games went down the shitter mostly around 2001, and not due to the games but to GW ad how they supported them. Remember Battlefleet gothic? Man O

Look just give me a game where I can be a Tyranid and maul things to death. It doesn’t even need a plot other than “one day a Carnifex showed up.” They put too much thought into these games. Give us the basics.

which one of the two Commissars drink Tanna?

That video plays out almost word for word the opening scene from the first Einsenhorn book. I give it credit for that and the environments at least.

I say let the flood of 40k games continue. Better than letting it languish in purgatory like the Mech Warrior License currently being held hostage or No One Lives Forever. I’d rather have tons of people making MW or NOLF things, with something bound to be good. At least with a diluge of 40k games there are going to be

The first book is pretty much sherlock in space, but the side characters helped to keep the pace up as well as build the universe. The second book adds the much needed paranormal side with some deamons, psychobabble, and straight up magic. Then the third book breaks all the boundaries with titans, planetary legions,

I got incredibly excited when this first popped up on Steam, as I’m a shameless Dan Abnett fan (his prose is incredibly predictable, but he always writes a compelling narrative), and Eisenhorn is one of my favorite characters in the WH40K fluff.

I took the time to read the Steam reviews, watched a couple of videos, and

The sad thing is we’ll probably never get a sequel to this:

So, after just watching this video, this game has three strong points as opposed to two: Source, Voice, and Enviorment. The environments feels as it should be; a mix of dark, gritty, but with touches of the Imperium’s showmanship. Having read the books I know exactly where this location is, and it feels so much like

I hadn’t heard about this and it’s such a shame - The book serieses (Both the Eisenhorn and the follow up Ravenor series, I have not started the third more recent part of the trilogy) are simply amazing. The first trilogy (Eisenhorn) would have made an amazing game if Telltale did it and experimented with just a

Heresy Mama

Can't wait for the Ciaphus Cain coffee drinking simulator.

Had a few duds though (Space Marine movie). Still, I’d read a 40k novel if it had his name on it. Still need to finish that last Eisenhorn book, but I lost it.

Exactly. Basically, if you want the REALLY good 40K novels, read pretty much any of Abnett’s work. We’re talking about the guy whose Guardians of the Galaxy run they used as the basis for the movie, and who is rocking Aquaman and Teen Titans right now. He’s supremely talented.

So I hear! Funny how this shitty game might make me read the books, when the goal was probably to get people who had read the books to play this shitty game.

The good news is that the source material, “Eisenhorn” by Dan Abnett, is fantastic.