I stopped playing games in general around the time FF8 came out, so I’m not up on the latest, but IMO...
I stopped playing games in general around the time FF8 came out, so I’m not up on the latest, but IMO...
Long, drawn out dramatic dialogue scenes have been in FF since the 2nd game and perfected in the 4th. It's a mainstay of FF and became a template for JRPGs in general.
You know what? Comparing the cast of XV to Gundam Wing just made me that much more interested in the game.
They seem to be doing that with Setsuna and the Bravely series.
IDK - I think I was simply pointing toward what a lot of people think Final Fantasy is. Mind you Sakaguchi-san doesn’t even really know what Final Fantasy is besides a blue block with white text in it.
Yeah but balance is important here. Going against the fanbase didn’t work out so well for Capcom and Konami, they ended up being outright hostile to their fanbase and their best IPs are pretty much dead.
I think it’s one of the biggest problem in today’s cultural creation. May it be movies, comics, games and so on, the companies creating those did all they can to make it more than what it is, they shaped into classics, they cultivated people’s nostalgia.
Derp. I read that as “too many cocks”.
I think the English equivalent is “too many cooks spoil the broth”.
I would be okay with this exclusivity thing if the Oculus Rift were a standalone console. In that case, this would be like somebody finding a way to make Wii U games run on an Xbox One. It would be a no bueno thing to do. But the Oculus Rift is a peripheral. The “console” is the PC it’s running on. So if I buy a PC…
Pricing problem aside, there is also
Imagine iTunes only worked on Mac. You brought some songs on the store and wanted to play them on a Windows machine. Would hacking the DRM to play content that you own be illegal?
At this stage, there’s so much crap being released on VR at prices that aren’t justified, I wouldn’t blame anyone for going the piracy route to see if the products are worth a purchase.
Unfortunately, which way the market decides to go is up to marketing...which is why developers and OEMs still support PhysX, CUDA, and GSync more-so than coding the effects themselves, OpenCL, and FreeSync.
Or Microsoft. Seriously, VR needs to be implemented as a standard library in DirectX in DX12 or next iteration. Only then can cheaper VR solutions come into existence the same way onboard sound did when DirectSound was defacto standard.
This is generally the end result of shitty DRM. Always ends up hurting legitimate users and customers, yet the people who actually want to pirate/crack things always find a way around it.
The market may make that decision for them...
Proprietary formats kill cool tech.