
Yeah, Mercy is underpowered on consoles without a question, and her damage boost hasn’t been used by me in months. It might as well not exist. In Quick Play she can still be useful, but in competitive I couldn’t make her work and would just instadie and not be able to heal enough ever. I ended up having to main Lucio

IMO Mercy’s pistol is already very powerful, especially for a sidearm. I’ve killed more than my fair share of overeager Tracers with it.

In my experience as someone who was a Mercy main, but drifted away from her due to her being underpowered, it’s basically impossible to play Mercy when you’re high enough in competitive.

Jesus, people really have no idea what they’re talking about in the comments. Mei is underpowered, and is tough to play as is. Everybody saying to nerf her clearly never played as Mei.

Agreed. As Mei is now, I can essentially use my ult as a “stay away from half the objective for a second”. If I’m really lucky, I’ll trap one guy (usually a tank), shoot him once in the head, then get killed by the others that escaped my ult. Other than that I take long range potshots and jump around wildly waiting

1) I agree, Mercy has needed a buff to make her more usable, especially in competetive. IMO they didn’t go far enough.

Mei is great for holding objectives and buying time. Sometimes you can get a good rhythm and freeze enemies for your team to pick off, but that’s really it. She can be what makes your team win on defense, but you usually don’t rack up many kills, many points, or any kudos. IMO this buff is a long time coming. I wish

“I don’t think she needs buffs, but then again, ive never really played as her.”

Too bad more Pharahs aren’t like you. Most don’t keep themselves around to help Mercy, they dodge away on the other side of the map. So either you can’t get to them because they’re behind something, or you DID go to them, and you’re separated from the main part of the team. I usually leave Pharahs, Genjis, Tracers,

Mercy had been feeling underpowered for a long time now, and forced me to play her less even when I really wanted to. IMO they should buff Guardian Angel as well to make her more mobile, because as is it’s really only useful for catching up to people after spawning.

This is exactly how I view it, but it’s a bummer such laid back attitudes rarely last beyond the starting area. Some people get mad when they get killed and teabagged, or a dude uses their emote after getting PotG, but it always makes me laugh when it happens to me. I do the same. It’s just a fucking game ya’ll.


I agree that the Bastion hate is overblown, but a good Bastion, who uses his mobility, healing, and ability to morph into a turret in the air, can absolutely wreck on defense. This is double true if there’s a Torbjorn turret adjacent to make it impossible to flank Bastion, or Bastion is up in the corner with a

I can’t cram my face in a personality, unfortunately. Good try though.

I’m cool with being an asshole. The only thing is that I am RIGHT, and an asshole. Stop fostering obesity in the spirit of being “nice”. It’s much nicer to encourage people to not shave decades off of their lives, be miserable during the years they do get, and look terrible while doing it. You think it’s the kind

Of course they don’t fucking care. This place is a joke.

Yeah, THIS is what modern feminism is all about. Nitpicking a fucking nonissue because of one fucking innocuous word. I can’t believe you get paid to write this shit.

I have yet to find a situation that Roadhog isn’t viable in, and he’s a good counter to Genji. Especially after Genji pops his ult because it’s usually not to hard to hook and one shot him.

Genji is one of those characters that are only good because so few people are willing to pull out a hard counter to take him down. They want to keep playing as Reaper or Hanzo or some shit, then rage when Genji picks them apart. As Mei Genji is often a chump with her freezing abilities: just freeze and headshot. If

“What I’m saying is that our society is far too obsessed with their physical appearance and attribute their own self-worth to it”