All shields are basically an anti-super...
As someone who had to fight against Torbjorn AND Bastion on competitive last night, I can say that you are so, so, SO wrong.
Yeah, but it borders on unhealthy. They LOVE depicting cities being annihilated in a totally-not-nuclear explosion, at least in manga and anime. It’s like Germans putting firebombing in tons of their media just because they were heavily firebombed during WWII.
Sure buddy. You can redirect with stupid political BS but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re an entitled whiner who needs to get over it.
Holy shit we’re making quite the plot right here. Ditto on Jackie Chan here.
Stockholm Syndrom: feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor.
Japan has such a hard on for city destroying explosions, it’s always been a bit weird.
This. The amount of hyperbolic shit stirring over not being able to see people that you normally wouldn’t have met is stupid. You have a huge game made by a small team, and it’s NOT meant to be multiplayer. Get the fuck over it and just play the game.
Wow, more baseless accusations and assumptions! Thanks for signaling that you’re not worth a discussion with though, I always appreciate it when people save me time by making wild assumptions about me, my motivations, or what I think.
LotR and GoT are pretty bad examples because they are both based off of books, so the casting decisions were largely predetermined (and in LotR case it was written by a racist half a century or more ago so obviously everybody will be lilly white in it). More than that, although I stopped at season 4, I distinctly…
By “people” I meant you in particular. But nice job proving my point based off of some false assumptions about me.
I’m about level 60 and I am guilty of both those things a lot. I also charge in with Reinhardt about 50% of the time. If you’re gud enough then you can play like an idiot and still do well, because half the fun is in goofing off. The way you approach the game makes it feel so clinical and sterile, how can you even…
Or you all could just walk your fat asses around like you’re supposed to? Jesus man, just play the fucking game and stop trying to find ways to cheat at it.
That got a good chuckle out of me.
Yeah, this is just getting silly.
But that’s stupid. EVERY blog on here always has the dumb commenters coming in saying “ackshually, this blog reports on a variety of XYZ”. Giz has them too. But what’s the point of having a focused blog that supposed to be about Japan and gaming when it regularly ignores both? If it’s trying to be an everyman blog…
Not if it was a fantasy complete with monsters, and that the Civil War was actually a beleaguered and besieged North defending from the ravenous beasts from the mists in the South. I don’t think anybody would give two shits, because that’s obviously a work of fantasy and not a historical fiction. I don’t recall…
Yeah, this whole situation is pretty amusing. This new wave liberal BS seems to be becoming degenerative the longer it goes on.
The Major is a fucking cyborg who not only doesn’t have a Japanese body, she can and does replace her body when circumstances call for it.. Complaining about her looking white shows that you not only have never consumed any GitS material, but you also are bad at thinking. One of the main themes of GitS is that what…