
There's a surprising amount to pick apart in its foundations, and it's suprisingly unusual in a lot of ways. Or in one way, really, which is the way the central relationship operates the show like a marionette. Even the bad stuff generally comes from that same structuring force (as well as the failings of the


I thought Zeke was a good guy at the start but I think he's on the dodge now. If he's a good guy, what so he made Sam healthier initially, but because of all the bringing back from the dead and dry runs etc he's had to do, he's shot his wad prematurely? And now Sam is all fucked up? That doesn't make sense.

without speaking for @min alskaren, you don't need to take the word whore literally. It seems to me that there is a set of female characters that are sexualised (L-o-l-a's Girls) and a set that are revered and often take mothering roles (L-o-l-a's Women — and I know you wish they were L-o-l-a!). It's about a reduction

His eyebrows reminded me of Colin Farrell in A Home at the End of the World, which is something I never thought I would ever say.


me too!

I guess I'll get used to it but I hope they continue to revise and refine. Everything seems to take up twice as much room as it needs to. So much wasted space. The TV Club page is confusing — are TV Reviews not a separate thing anymore? The order of the clusters of articles on the front page is faaaaaaaaar from