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    Christ, underestimating him for 10 years? You guys have been like little girls about how awesome he is.

    Yes, he tried diplomacy...oh the horror. And when Putin was an ass he put aegis ashore back into Romania and Poland. Or was it Czech? Can’t recall at the moment but the missile systems are back not that it matters that much.

    Great googly moogly.

    Sorry, those guys are a hot button. They’ve gotten more than a few of our folks killed.

    LOL. Dude, ISI keeps a close watch on everybody we have in country and more often than not tells the bad guys which way we’re headed.

    Your work that states that Canada should buy unsurvivable F-18s over F-35s? Even though YOU would prefer to fly a F-35 over a 40 year old design?

    Only 15% of female pilots meet dimensional requirements for the F-15 and the F-18 has a minimum 135 lb weight requirement.

    Yes, complete non-issue. The only other aircraft with a 103 lb min weight is the Texan.

    Tom Cruise weighs 148 lbs and is 5’ 7”.

    No, it’s a bullshit made up crisis.

    “Since the Norwegian Air Force has even tighter weight restrictions on its current F-16 fleet, “there isn’t a single fighter pilot in the Norwegian Air Force that is affected” by the 136-pound restriction, Nergård told Defense News in an email.”

    Lol. The Russians are successful (mostly) on their border.

    Delta had Iraq and devgru Afghanistan and those guys had been in Pakistan from what was had been said.

    We tried isolationism and then the Barbary Pirates tried to steal our lunch money. Hence the US Navy and everyone going “well that was to be expected because...humans”.

    I think Assad will settle for surviving and whatever oil is in areas he currently has remaining control over. At most they’ll push to make sure the pieces left are contiguous and can support one another.

    Lol, like Bush gifted Clinton with dropping Marines in Somalia?

    The estimate for annual cost of 1 US soldier in Afghanistan in 2012 is a $815K but $300K of that is fuel and the craptastic infrastructure (Iraq was much cheaper) and the need to ship everything.

    Yah, but in this case it probably doesn’t matter. Eventually even the ISIS folk will shoot at the Russians.

    Time to slip the FSA some more Stingers and watch some Froggies take a dirt nap.

    An anti-ship missile with a 1000nm range sounds great...assuming that you don’t care what you sink at the end of that 1000 miles, that you can adequately detect and localize the target to fire on and your c2 network is up to the task of coordinating that strike.