He is obviously a NK plant to corrupt Southern society. Lol
He is obviously a NK plant to corrupt Southern society. Lol
Ah, yes these guys didn’t die, just lose their legs. Lucky for them eh? Better than for the two marines in Yeongpyeong.
It isn’t pointless because it’s an arguably better (but not by me) measured response to North Korea killing 2 soldiers than randomly sniping two (relatively innocent) North Korean soldiers on patrol.
Didn’t workout great for Kuwait. The Saudis are having issues in Yemen.
Except the report stated that costs at Milestone B is less for a joint program (i.e. joint development programs cost less):
And the ,Japanese proved they can be beaten in Colonial wars. Which Eastern Europe would be.
The voice of reason is not often appreciated by a mob.
They were jointly procured and operated so more joint than JSTARS or F-111 which were only ever operated by 1 service. Since their argument was based on lifecycle costs they most certainly should have been included.
I’ve wondered but never asked if VFA-154 has ever deployed with VMFA-314. Should have asked when I had the chance.
Combat system.
Been there and done that. The refits were pretty easy in comparison to most.
You’re more likely to lose a boat of two out of 16 than a boat or two out of 4. You can park the SSGNs pretty far out if your targets are close to the coast. The Virginias will have other tasks that is not amenable for 16 of them to be puttering about like a SSGN avoiding detection a couple hundred nm away from the…
Its a net loss of 8 payload tubes and 8 swimmer lockout tubes, space for 264 SEAL/MARSOC troops and 4 Small Combatant Joint Command Center.
Replacing the computers on boats is easy (relatively speaking) and ends up leaving extra room and power available.
Yes, the internal payload is either 2 1000 lb GBU-32 JDAMs, 6 GBU-39 SDB I or 4 GBU-53 SDB II until the bay is refit in 2020. Given that the GBU-53 won’t likely IOC until 2017 any conflict the F-35B is in will have either 6 SDB I or 8 SDB II for CAS. Maybe Brimstone 2 someday. I dunno if you can cram 6 in a bay but…
They knew they could get away with it after the 2008 invasion of Georgia.
Reposting from before since someone is referencing that terrible RAND report again.
There’s no study that shows you can get 3 planes for less than the F-35 without ignoring successful joint programs.
Never heard of the Internet or Beta I take it?
It’s 13,000 miles from Whiteman to say Korea. It was 15 hours to Kosovo.