@SantaRita: Touche.
@SantaRita: Touche.
@SantaRita: Isn't its range like 25 miles or so? Just enough...
@SantaRita: Pshaw. SEGWAY!
@ZFK: I want to go to there.
@stokeā¢: It took me a while to get over "zed". It's just weird hearing that in English.
@Kerc 2.0 beta: Leave.
@treesloth: Yeah it's on version...0.9 now if I believe correctly. It's moving super fast. I don't use it, though, so I wouldn't know.
@Baby Beater Benz: I'll get Jimmy Neutron on it!
@brendonwbrown: Explain.
@SuperTongueIII: You have the same battery life as my Pre Plus now! :P
@Commander Waffles: Just that-it's a 10 second install.
@RainyDayInterns: Beat me to it.
@axeavius: Not to mention the only other GSM carrier of decency is T-Mobile, and your 3G wouldn't work properly.
@tonyola: I love how it's all sleek and smooth...until you hit those ghetto-fabulous wheels.
@Victor L: I think that the new standard contract length should be 18 months, with upgrades every year if you renew. I know that, on Verizon at least, the account owner can upgrade every year; but with Moore's law going about every 13 months nowadays, going through two cycles is ridiculous.
@weinerschnitzelboy: Bad android skins are almost exclusively responsible for roots.
@dcdttu: Pre Plus is much better in build quality.
@treesloth: Virtual keyboard on preware.
@Victor L: A device shouldn't need to be jailbroken to such an extent. On my Pre Plus, I use WebOS QuickInstall just so I could get preware and a custom kernel for overclocking.
@Commander Waffles: Firefox doesn't have HTML5, you need an add-on for syncing, and flash is clunky.