
Take a walk outside! I don’t want to hear “but ew it’s cold” or “but what if my shoes get wet” or “that’s what the treadmill is for” - take a walk outside. If you can, try not to turn around until you’ve forgotten about whatever you were stressing about. If it’s raining or snowing, so much the better. Nothing like

@HeartBurnKid linked to a page that includes this link -

This is worth starring because it’s the only time I’ve seen add-ons mentioned (they don’t even get a mention in the article!). Check your add-ons, folks. I’m a grumpy old bastard who uses CTR and shit like that - ain’t gonna work anymore on 57+. Not just ‘many’ but ‘most’ of my add-ons will break when I update.

Or why they own ski masks, living in Houston?

The lack of immaturity in this response thread is so disappointing. I expected better of you lifehackers.

Just about an hour ago, after commenting on the original kinja story that mentioned these, I received a COC from AbcoDirect for a CE certification. However, the name on the cert is different (Solar Eclipse International). And I asked for ISO, not CE.

I’m one of several people who have emailed/called the company to request either ISO certification docs or the name of the registrar or auditor that awarded them their certification. No one that I’m aware of has received a response or a callback in days. And the fact that the listing has been completely removed from

I’m one of several people who have emailed/called the company to request either ISO certification docs or the name

Drew can’t complain about seeds and then put strongly seeded berries so high on the list. BIG RAZ has got him in their pockets.

I was eminently functional in between bouts of furious masturbation. I wasn’t a drooling moron.

Yikes, guys. A community that writes passionate articles about the economic devastation that will be wrought by the current administration’s plan to replace the ACA can’t - at the same time - pimp $45 candles and $100 hoodies and maintain journalistic credibility. Gotta pay rent, I get it. But c’mon now.

Yikes, guys. A community that writes passionate articles about the economic devastation that will be wrought by the

“These birds though, crossing our borders all the time - illegally I might add - home invaders, individuals who spend their days taking food away from hardworking American birds, and some, I assume, cute and cuddly. But we’ve gotta stop ‘em folks. So I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do, I’m gonna build the biggest,

“Listen, Justin, or like I call him, Just - he just, you know - I thought I gave a really good shake and then this guy - must be, what, 150, 200, 350 pounds - he takes my gesture - a very kind gesture, a lot of people say that, not just me - he takes my gesture and makes it statement in front of the world! I mean, is

Do it. I updated from the Kindle Keyboard last Christmas, which was all kinds of awkward, to this bad boy and haven’t looked back. The edges you see aren’t as sharp as they look; the whole thing has some kind of thin rubber film over the metal body.

Do it. I updated from the Kindle Keyboard last Christmas, which was all kinds of awkward, to this bad boy and