Jedi Knight II was a really fun game. It amazes me that these people are so epically bad at making a fun video game, that they cannot even realize that they had a successful formula over a decade ago.
Jedi Knight II was a really fun game. It amazes me that these people are so epically bad at making a fun video game, that they cannot even realize that they had a successful formula over a decade ago.
If they would remake Star Wars (the original), from head to toe (remake the original movie in a 2020 video game) - It would be the single fastest and best selling game in history.
Agreed. Geralt is incredible from head to toe, including the voice. The animations in Wild Hunt were good too.
While I understand your cynicism on the whole due to companies like EA and Activision, CDPR has been ROCK SOLID in the VALUE and FUN department for at least a decade. I put more stock in CDPR than I do either Bethesda or Rockstar (Both of whom I also value highly, and without which I would likely not bother with video…
gross, that’s not sauce.
i like how this website has only “approved replies”
lmao, ya’ll like saying FAKE NEWS ain’t real right?
my goodness.
because you are losers?
because you are wrong?
because you are not the majority you thought you were?
and, once again it’s all about race, huh?
I don’t know, you have a fair review here but this game just sounds... bad.
12 hours playtime, horrible controls, ugly AI?
So quit.
Actually it is meaningless to everyone except the people pushing the agenda that trump is a white supremacist, which has been debunked at least 30 million times today alone.