Thanks, Ellie, for bringing attention to a very important issue and an incredible person!
Thanks, Ellie, for bringing attention to a very important issue and an incredible person!
It’s almost like people who hate women and muslims don’t understand either.
Then muttered an apology and was instantly restored to Daddy’s good graces, while the son who actually stayed home and held things together gets shafted again.
A fitting metaphor since the prodigal son was a dumbass who coasted through life on his Dad’s money.
Your second cousins are not public figures who try to portray images. She comes from wealth.
Things that will increase:
Helps her family? She is related to Chuck Schumer and comes from money...
I mean, that was stupid and all, but she didn’t contribute to the rapid erosions of civil rights in America, the next major economic crash, the (possible) start of any wars, or an environmental catastrophe of unimaginable scale.
Susan Sarandon is a BernieBot who was and remains comfortable not voting for Hillary because as a rich white famous person, none of this affects her in the slightest. Fuck her.
It’s all Reagan’s fault. His pre-Dickens worldview that poor folks are poor because they are lazy and shiftless caught on, and now it has spread like a fungus through the body politic. Now, 30 years later, these Ayn Rand cosplayers dominate the political landscape and spread their “just world” hypothesis over…
1) Chelsea Clinton isn’t running for office, but thanks for the comment regardless. 2) She has a PhD from Oxford, but I’m sure your accomplishments are far more substantial.
Hey, when you show up like an unannounced dickhead, you get what you get.
I love how even Mark Zuckerberg was not important enough for them to open the China cabinet and use the good setting. Plastic plates, cups and cutlery for guests... why am I not surprised these folks voted for Trump?
I agree with all of what you wrote but the Greek/Sparta thing was Roman myth used as propaganda
Suicide is twice as common as homicide (almost 6 out of a 100,000 people for homicide, but 11 out of 100,000 for suicide), so the “think horses” logic would tell a doctor to go with the more common form of death.
This tragic event clearly demands and requires more investigation because there simply isn’t enough information yet but...if we zoom out, I believe we will see that the horses tend to gallop with a suicide hypothesis.
It says that was imprecise. But doesn’t explain how. I thought it meant she wasn’t the first female muslim judge until I read the comments.
Thank you for the update and for graciously noting Jezebel’s own errors.
While I’m sure somebody called her names, it certainly was not Dreckspatz. “Dirty sparrow” is not an insult, it’s quite cute and used almost exclusively for kids