Johnathon Alleman


I think Ashton’s private actions with Claude is the worst of the dialogue in this game. But I always kind of figured the initial simple dialogue was because everyone was teaching Claude about an entirely new planet. I dunno. Can you imagine how clueless they all thought he was? lol

I hated Noel. I agree completley. And he creeped me out when he called the Bunny LOL. Molester for sure. I used to move my recliner out of the way and jump around when I was timing charges of Gremlin Lair and spamming Ripper Blast / Explosion Pills from the good ol Dr. lol.

Lol it’s sad too because Ripper Blast was a great move for the entirety of the game. Especially as proficiency climbed...lordy.

Star Ocean 2 is still one of my most remembered RPG’s of all time. I was probably 13 or 14 around that era, and it is indeed hard to go back to old games if you expect to find that same magic that sparked something in you the first time you bonded with the older games. Lover is a good example.