Shadow of Israphel!
Exactly what the trench coat and fedora wearing guy would say if he wanted to throw us off the scent. You aren't fooling us
It's very rare to find a game where every part of it makes all the other parts better. even the multiplayer enforces the lore, which also enforces the single player and the designs. every tiny part of it feels so carefully crafted and fit together so well. it's an incredible piece of game design.
If only I could be so grossly incandescent!
amazing game ahead
I actually quite like the closing credits from World Conquest Zvezda Plot.
Twitch plays Demon's Souls go!
One instance of a trigger happy cop does not equal all cops are irresponsible with guns. Also, not everyone should have the right to carry concealed weapons. However that's a debate I'm too tired to get into at the moment.
This, of course, doesn't represent the rest of America, or the white, male populace contained therein. It's merely a subgroup of individuals. Stating it as being like the military, or law enforcement is blasphemy. There's plenty of soldiers, and police officers out there that do not act like this.
Hey, it's better than taking them to church. :P
Berserk Fury all day
I thought it was the countdown clock for Half Life 3.
Decent list, but obviously not everyone will agree. What are your guys' top 12 PC titles?