Um, could we please collaborate to start this chain? Obvs the name is taken and we would have to come up with a new one, but the concept itself is SO MUCH more appealing than the original. (And that's kind of sad, considering.)
Um, could we please collaborate to start this chain? Obvs the name is taken and we would have to come up with a new one, but the concept itself is SO MUCH more appealing than the original. (And that's kind of sad, considering.)
YES. That's the exact same impression I got when reading this article. Something along the lines of, "Holy shit. This guy really gets it." It's rare, and he pulls it off hilariously. I've come back to this article several times this week because of that. I'd definitely love to read more from him, as well!
I love the idea of a Jezebel welcome package (AND of the necessity for including sloth pics in every comment, for the record). In lieu of that, thank you so much! This is super helpful, and I'm really glad I asked (I was a little hesitant at first, to be honest; I wasn't sure if I was missing something major).
Perfect, thank you! That's all incredibly helpful, especially the last bit which makes perfect sense, but which I never would have known about before. Thanks so much for the thoughtful response!
That's what I'd assume. I've learned the hard way that the separation of relationship and parenting can be a fucking tough one, but obviously regardless of anything else, the ability to cope with the reality of my wonderful and amazing spawn is the first and foremost important thing. Sigh. Despite being a big girl, I…
Ugh, that's so sad, and exactly what I'm afraid of. I definitely don't want to make that mistake with my son (especially because... less than a month in!? That seems way too soon!). I'm also unclear as to if there's a "too soon" when letting the guy know that I have a son. Should that be an immediate divulgence? Would…
Subject: Dating with toddlers.
Oh God, I love it! I'm definitely going to look that up right now.
So, I apologize in advance if this is super dumb/obvious, but I've had some specific questions regarding Jez for awhile now, and figure this is as good of time as any to voice them.
Sister time is literally the BEST. I miss mine just reading this (we live hundreds of miles apart).
His talk show is terrible. When I saw it the first time I was aghast at how low-brow it is. I mean, that's fine (and super entertaining) in the right context, it's just not something I was expecting from him. I was hoping for more news, less Maury-esque baby mamas, so in that way was sorely disappointed.
Oh God, yes. It's even worse when people try to have a friendly conversation, because then they make me feel GUILTY for being an ass and not wanting to talk to them. There's just something about the confined space, the overall discomfort of being trapped in the air, and being a general misanthrope that makes congenial…
I just tried to imagine Ira Glass say a curse word, and it is literally the weirdest, most ridiculous thing ever.
I LOVE Summer Shandy! Obviously the perfect beer for this time of year, along with Shocktop and Blue Moon, in my opinion.
DO IT. What else are Saturday nights good for? :)
Fuck your crazy ex.
I just ate a chocolate chip macadamia nut cookie iced with a healthy heaping spoonful of Nutella and washed the whole thing down with a swig or three of red wine. I'll be relaxing in the bath and hopefully finishing Game of Thrones soon, as well.
Not at all! I was honestly hoping I didn't come off as too flippant in my original comment. I was really genuinely hoping for honest feedback, so thank you for giving it!
Haha. I think it's that last one that really confounds me. But as I can attest to, it can actually be great! So I get it... I guess.
That's true, and it does make sense. I can only imagine what my reaction/experience would have been if I'd been told in my early 20s I was infertile and might never have children. Because I ended up having a different kind of experience, my reaction is tailored accordingly. But to anyone that wants to have kids at any…