Nipps McGee

Man, Lindsay looks great in that Liz Taylor photo. Reading the comments on it, though, makes my heart hurt. So harsh. She might tank in this movie, sure, but she might also be great in it. She was at least a decent actress before all the drug problems—Parent Trap, Mean Girls, etc.

Yeah, that's all super fucking rough. I'm sorry. I know the people you were there for/able to help are endlessly appreciative though, so good for you in being able to be there to help them. That's pretty fucking awesome, seriously. How are you feeling after everything?

This sounds awesome (all of it: your job, the really cute guy, etc.)! IMO, yes, keep the flirting going without a doubt.

Yes. I deal with that "joking (them) v serious (for some reason, out of nowhere, apparently me?)" issue all the time in my own life, as well. It took me nearly a quarter of a century of bewilderment to realize that it had more to do with my anatomy than it did with my wit. Obviously ridiculous, but good to know I'm

Thanks for this, Lindy. Fuck the haters. And I love you.

Ugh. That must be REALLY COOL. Thanks for sharing, bro! And good on you for choosing to be born with a penis, +1!


If nothing else, I am hearting you for your logical, informed, and reasoned responses to that maddening bullshit. Thanks for having the patience to say what I couldn't.

I agree, and think that's a valid take. In the context of the author's blog, I really don't see anything wrong with this article at all. However, Jez is a website with a pretty blatant agenda (one that I support, fully), and the majority of us are here for that very reason. To post an article that so blatantly goes

Happy birthday Ms. Monroe!

God. After the bullshit few that came before it, James Deen's tweet was SUCH a (surprising?) breath of fresh air.

This comment makes me sad to be a woman, but for different reasons than those that "disgust" you. I agree that you could potentially really benefit from taking some gender studies courses (or even picking up some foundational reading material on the subject). It could be pretty eye opening, and then you could learn

Was the woman you were talking to Phyllis Schlafly?

I have a TON of serious issues with this article, many of which have already been brought up by other commenters. They can all (my issues being they) pretty much be summed up by the "Friendzoning is bullshit because people are not machines you put kindness coins into until sex falls out" meme. I mean, seriously,

My God, she can't read!? At 7!? I've yet to seen an episode of T&T and think child pageants are pretty icky, but hey—to each their own. If the kid is legitimately happy and the parents are happy, then more power to them for pursuing whatever kind of lifestyle they so choose. That is, as long as her education is NOT

Joe Manganiello makes me warm and tingly in all the right places.

Critics of Megan's Law — like the ACLU, which has fought Megan's Laws in every state without much avail — say registries don't prevent sexual victimization; instead, the unrestricted pubic access "results in ostracism and diminishes the likelihood of reintegration into society."

Love this gif so much. It's perfect here.

"Professional women do not breast-feed in public . . ."

I did not know that, but it makes sense. Thanks for the heads up!