Also: GLAD* that
Also: GLAD* that
Hells yes. The first paragraph of this article reads like a McSweeney's article. Hilarious.
Agreed. I don't really get what the overall concept of these interviews is supposed to be. What are we supposed to be taking away from it? Why do I care about what any of these guys think about this TV show? Also, the typos/errors are SO. DISTRACTING.
Haha, OH. MY. GOD. I cringed visibly at that story, but so good to know that these injuries are things that just happen—and to commiserate with other parents that they've happened to, as well. That that your (then) little one was okay and grew up healthy. I'm looking forward to my own little bear to do the same. (Just…
Love this. Hearted. I'm 25 and in the same boat as you. I don't get the fuss about aging, AT ALL. I've had friends (both dudes and ladies) who freaked out about their 25th birthdays, "OMG I'M A 1/4 OF A CENTURY OLD! WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIIIIIIIFE?" It doesn't make sense to me. Plus, I look at the older women in my…
Yes! Their reactions are all about their moods, which are largely totally mystifying due to the language barrier. The worst fall I've seen happened about a week ago. I was standing behind him, and he went down hard, bumping against my bedside table on the way down. In my self-imposed desensitized state, it really…
Sweet Jesus, twin one year old boys?! I can't even imagine the energy that must take; major kudos to you! My son is into EVERYTHING, and he throws his body around with a disregard that can be terrifying to watch. I know exactly what you mean about the hardwood floors—he's had some major tumbles that would have left me…
Yep. This. Exactly. My son is nearly 12 months now and has been walking for just over a month, so he's still getting the hang of it. It's been interesting observing how, as a parent, I've found myself getting increasingly desensitized to his tumbles. The worse they get, the more I have to learn to adjust my tolerance…
Yes! Apologies for the super late reply here, but I think you are exactly right. The issue is the likable persona vs. allllllll the mf'ing terrible shit you know is probably lurking behind said persona. But he's so good at pulling the whole thing off, it creates an issue. I'm really glad I'm not alone in my conflict…
I'd love if we could do that in a number of states, actually. Though I'd probably start with Arizona.
I believe it's in regard to this article, posted yesterday: []. Since they were definitely picked up for another season, "defunct' was definitely prematurely used, but either way, it seems like they're short lived at best and basically over. This makes me super sad, so my bitterness is probably winning over…
Oh man, before reading the topic headline, I at first thought the lady in the picture was Shannen Doherty. Whoopsie.
Aaand this gif just made my evening. Thank you.
AHH! Yes, yes, yes! Such great news and I can't wait to watch it! I'm drinking a delicious coffee right now and this news compliments it splendidly. *perfect moment: complete*
I love the part where he says that EVERYONE will OBVIOUSLY love this book, unless, of course, you're a "sanctimonious party pooper." Because that's clearly the only reason why someone would find this shitty drivel unappealing. GOOD CALL, JOE.