I honestly believe that these views aren't going away until men are equally able to take leave after childbirth/adoption. The lack of societal respect for for paternity leave is a subtle way of delegating the entirety of early childcare to women.
I honestly believe that these views aren't going away until men are equally able to take leave after childbirth/adoption. The lack of societal respect for for paternity leave is a subtle way of delegating the entirety of early childcare to women.
If he didn't want all this attention, he shouldn't have dressed like that. ;)
Well neither did the woman who made it! HOW DOES IT FEEL, ASSHOLE? God fucking damnit some people are so myopic. (sorry for angry.jpg response, I just can't even with these assholes)
This doesn't sound any different than wearing an honor cord — an outstanding citizenship in the Seminole Nation "cord" — a meaningful symbol representative of what he has accomplished (academically, athletically, socially, culturally, etc) throughout his high school years.
I don't get why American schools have to be so fucking autismal about the dresscode. I thought America was all about the FREEEEEDDUUUUMMM, but I guess in the end, there's no difference between the USA and the United "muh school uniform pip pip tallyho" Kingdom.
guys, guys, guys. it's so obvious that beyonce alone controls the genitals of all unmarried teenage girls. for each beyonce power chord and booty pop, another black unwed mother. for each song about single ladies, love, marriage—oh, wait, never mind, we're not including those. these are just the facts that bill…
So he is basically saying that if Beyoncé went away, teen pregnancy would go away? ...I'm sorry America, but I don't think that's a trade we can accept.
May I suggest you read up on some basic reproductive biology? FGM and circumcision are in no way the same.
My uncut husband is a million times cleaner than the cut boys I was with.
Stop that. Female genital mutilation is not comparable. C'mon now.
that's called basic hygiene...you know, like the rest of your body.
So you're really comparing FGM to circumcision? I suggest you read up on FGM before you even think it's comparable.