
That hallway kiss was the hottest on-screen illicit kiss since JESS and Nick, ifyaaskme.

Ex-theater dweeb here checking in - she has the over-acting down PAT. That awful hand-shaking sob in the middle of the song?! Wonderful. She posted this afterwards and it made me smile:

The CONGRESS VIDEO! I forgot about that! SO GOOD

I'm so confused by the capitalization choices in this acronym "WitWICS"

After 15 years of marriage, I feel 100% New Mexican.

30 Rock too. When every line was a punchline it just stopped being funny to me.

Not disrespectful but definitely ignorant.

30-something checking in to say haaaaayyyyl naw - you're BONKERS if you think Sade is underground. "Smooth Operator" is the JAM (and has 40 million listens on Spotify).

I think you read that wrong. No way would Madeline embarrass herself on purpose like that! I imagine it was the combination of shock, wine, whatever pill she took before dinner, and the scent of seven types of seafood on the table.


Same. That man is SO easy on the eyes.

Yeah, I noticed that too. I think that must be a nod to how totally clueless Hannah can be. It must be, right? That big of an error wouldn't go unnoticed in editing.

Looootttta time and energy you're wasting hating a stranger, dude. I'm jealous of her too but leaving angry comments on AV club ain't gonna change nothin.

How anyone could not love Cathy Anne is beyond me. "Drawing swat-stickers and saying Hi hitler" ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? So good. Also the Alabama skit - so good.

Uh what other option is there

Fyi you messed up both Cathy Ann and becka Ashley's names

"I don't even have a dog."

OH, hahaha! Awesome, that makes it even better.

Did he call her a raincloud?! I thought he just said you "you ruined my day!"

This is it exactly. I'm around those guys' ages and grew up in San Diego and that skit hit all the male high-school classmate stereotypes PERFECTLY. I was DYING laughing from start to finish.