Nicole-bi Wan Kenobi

In season two, Raj admitted he kissed a man dressed in a female's costume at comic con. But I don't know if that situation was a trans woman or simply a homosexual man who chose a woman's costume for comic con. Because if a man dresses as a woman but identifies as a man, he's a man. If the identification is as a

I'm not upset. I'm just saying that it being "subject" to manipulation doesn't mean it *is* manipulated. It's certainly not changed completely. Between myself and my friends, over half of the episodes of this show has had someone in the audience (and I am not exaggerating in the slightest here), and there has never

Well I can tell you that at the episode I was at, and yes, I remember every time we oooh or aaaaahd or cheered, they actually used a take where we awwwww'd less than any other take. There was no major reactions added whatsoever. The audience for this show is very vocal, a friend of mine has been to many tapings and

Until you get the technical things right I refuse to read these recaps. There is no "laugh track" and the reactions are not "canned." The show (like literally almost every other sitcom today) uses a two hundred person live audience. I've been to a taping of an episode, and it was one that had those "awww" moments