
If a captain's primary directive was to merely "protect" his ship, he would never leave port. - I forget who said this, but I read it somewhere, so it must be insightful.

Yes, this is the album that broadened my horizons beyond rap and got me into rock and other genres from there (I was 12 at the time and exclusively listened to hip hop). Those guitars on 5/4 were literally life-changing for me as I can trace nearly all the shows I've been to back to hearing that track for the first

The first album gets slept on. That thing kicks ass. It's still my favorite, though I love them all.

God I love this show.

Jason Sudeikis as the devil being appalled by Joe Paterno on weekend update.

I did the same. Was relieved to see at least few people have some sense in them.

Still no Tropic Thunder! Now where will I go to have my taste validated?!

They also forgot golden globe winning comedy, The Martian.

The A.V. Club appears to have gone full re—no, I'm better than this.

I'm really surprised Tropic Thunder didn't make the cut.


Damn hippies, you have no Home!


Bring back the Hot Hot Heat!

The review reads favorably, but the episode is graded as a dud. I'm confused.

I want this

The Pixies, "Hey"

What pop culture moment (from movies, television, books, etc.) makes you laugh when you think about it?

Where is your treasure buried?

I got a Community alert for this?