ah, no, you are mistaken. Dylan was white, and the police only kill unarmed black people going (peacefully) about their business. common mistake.
ah, no, you are mistaken. Dylan was white, and the police only kill unarmed black people going (peacefully) about their business. common mistake.
Weird. This doesn’t look like the story of Dylan Noble getting killed by police. Weirder still is according to many reputable news sites - the video was released yesterday. But nary a peep out of you guys. I can only surmise that the forthcoming piece documenting the death of an unarmed civilian at the hands of law…
You know what else are long and fascinating? Huge dongers.
I don’t know exactly how to classify what the reaction every man will get upon reading this headline (and then struggling to read through the story), but I just got it.
This is a sober and measured comment.
Depends how you look at it — some say the Warriors are experts on choking.
I think Sprewell showed that Warriors players do in fact have a history of grabbing things by the throat.
Like Draymond, the Deadspin commentariat has never been known to shy away from the low-hanging fruit.
Free throws are meant to reward the team that had the foul committed against it and to punish the team that committed the foul. It is a perversion of the purpose if it is used to punish the team that had the foul committed against it. I mean, I understand the “Well, they should shoot free throws better” and “We…
I think your point is generally a good one. This is not the best example, imho. While I do not think that threatening not to do their jobs is appropriate of ANY government worker based upon a citizen exercising his first amendment rights, I do think that police are not off base in being outraged by this. Activism,…
Actually, they’ve ruined plenty of white players too. Statistics show that more white players have busted out of Cleveland. All Careers Matter
Hilarious that even here, you guys take the side of the dude who posts REALLY incindiery stuff over the cops, who were the target
This joke is both original and hilarious.
That's the point!
He’s not your pal, friend.
He’s not your guy, pal.
Thank you! I constantly get in arguments at children’s burn wards trying to tell the kids their parents and teachers are liars. Here’s the proof I need.
this is where the slow clap needs to be
I don’t think he’s their buddy, guy.
Norm is God