
I think people have overlooked how profitable Game Pass has been for Microsoft than with selling hardware. Think about it. If you could introduce a game pass of sorts into another ecosystem with gamers that haven’t played certain Xbox games, you will make a lot of money. I imagine it being a Game Pass...but not the

I’m genuinely curious what would happen if the gaming industry as a whole adopted NFTs. Not for content for games, but for game licenses. Rather, have the games be the actual NFTs themselves. Reselling games, maybe have limited edition items embeded to LE copies and reliquish ownership of those things when you sell,

It’s controllers like these that I was expecting from Nintendo to be released as time went by and more retro services like Nintendo and Super Nintendo Online went live. The already released NES and SNES switch controllers are cool and all but I was hoping for a set of joy on controllers that snapped on each side, but

This years felt more like a continuation of last years conference. Nothing really surprised, especially considering several leaks, and a lot were pretty expecting. Not to mention there seemed to have been an over abundance of CG trailers over hard gameplay. Overall, didn’t suck, but didn’t impress. 

Arrogant Sony is a cycle.

Do you not know how push-to-talk works or something? What part of that quote do you not understand? You lay off the button when you don’t want to be heard. 

Personally loved every bit of this game. It’s quite the experience that will grab you if you let it. By that I mean fully engulf yourself with the audio and play with headphones or a headset. The combat is not something special but the game is not about the combat anyway. I think people who didn’t like Hellblade

Trash talking doesn’t affect anyone except those it actually affects. Better said, some people are more susceptible to it, others have a stronger mental game. Like it or not, trash talking has been part of competitive-anything. People do it to gain an advantage, and if it works it works. You can talk a big game, or

It would be fucked up if this patch was released a day or two before the start of TI in August. This, on the other hand, seems reasonable.

That is all information I’ve known going into my post.

I was thinking the same thing when I heard the news. It has to be something with Sony’s exclusivity content to ensure “The Definitive Destiny Experience on PS4". It’d be a PR disaster if the other console is can perform better. That’s just something I doubt they would let happen.

IMO it’s more than just watching people sitting around playing games. If we took everything and broke it down to something as black and white as that, we’d all never enjoy anything. For me, it’s watching something I enjoy playing played at its limits and at a level I know I’d never really achieve. The Pro players are

I call this getting too ahead of themselves and quite honestly I feel like they got what they deserved. They knew about this beforehand and they knew of this possibility. Especially post patch, where changes are bound to happen. So why risk it? Why not take the extra 10 seconds to avoid the one thing you knew could

If you were one of the earliest players then just can probably see why. But Paragon has come a long way since the early days. It was rough around the edges to start but I’ve personally loved what they’ve done with the game since then. I recommend people at least try it for themselves and not get discouraged.

If you had consoles since the NES, then you’d already know what it’s like to have a less powerful/old/last generation console every four years or so. Only this time you’re not being left behind; games are still being developed for your day one console.

I’ll second this. Great quality for the price.

I’ll second this. Great quality for the price.

This sounds really cool. I’d like to try this out since I had quite a bit of games in my downloads on my 360. If anyone is out there that’s in the preview program and wouldn’t mind sending an invite. My GT is Al B Querky

Now how about some Grandia.

I play Dota 2 above any other MOBA. At times I feel like it is needed to have a surrender option. However, there are always those people who will cry gg within the first 3 minutes when their lane isn’t going well. It bogs down the team’s moral because that person lost their lane, and is calling GG every single time

This ribbon will give me nightmares of all the times I wanted to fix my DSlite.