
As a fat woman who gets plenty of the sex with plenty different types of people, many of whom look in a way that even thin folks consider “holy shit hot” territory, let me assure you— feeling insecure about how you look in the sack has nothing to do with weight and everything to do with patriarchally enforced

I like it! I don’t think it really “proves” in any way that the ghosts are real but the whole spectacle is really fascinating if you believe—or are willing to entertain the idea of—mediums.

Okay, so this is the first real life thing to freak me out in a long time. Here it goes.

I have three, all having to do with the house I grew up in.

I’ve had very odd dreams about people after they died. When my grandmother died, I had constant dreams about her. We were so close that at the funeral many of our family friends came up to me specifically to give their condolences and say things like “I know this must be especially difficult for you, she loved you so

My husband and I bought our house about four years ago. We knew at the time that the former owner died in the house, but it didn’t really bother us, as we’re not the type to believe in spiritual things.

The very first house that I bought was a cat. I knew the previous owner has a cat because there was a cat door cut into the utility door and when I was cleaning before moving in, there was cat hair all over the carpet.

Back story: My mom is English and didn’t move to America until she and my dad married when they were 21. When she was 16 and still living in England, there was one particular night that scared the mess out of her. My grandmother (mom’s mom) had been at a friend’s house that night and played with a Ouija board. My