
@Snow leopard: Im a vegetarian. Its not about eating them. Meat is good. Its about the way they are treated before you eat them. Abuse and pumped with hormones. Your the one whose going to see the effects of constantly consuming growth hormones.

@Settings: and p.s. ammonia burns the nostrils... you would hate it. Ammonia is a heavy duty cleaning/disinfecting chemical.

@Grumpy Old Man: and whats wrong with the left. The right sure does fuck up as well. I say we go to the middle or wayyyyyyy out in a non linear point.

Honestly, I would rather be in solitary. At least I would be safe from anal rape and shankings. And... I could sleep all I wanted.

@Settings: yeah agreed. America has become the proverbial man. And talking about money over morals and health makes you sound like Adolf Hitler's brother, Adolf Shitler.

@Settings: either way, im a vegan, but if I did eat meat I would choose something that didnt look like stretch armstrong's dick juice. I have no problem with people eating meat, but seriously dont you have standards? Would you sleep with a girl who was all pink and smelled like ammonia? Then why would you eat this?

@avatar003: and they artificially flavor it, so you know its tasty.


@zjgz: I love Germans :) my grandparents are from Munchen.

"And if you didn't know, the WWF behind the shirt is the World Wide Fund"

@pirateaboard001: yeah agreed. No one is banning hunting. Just stop killing elephants and tigers and sharks and there wont be any problems.

@xd.Balls: jerb! haha they took our jerbs!

@everyone: Im just sayin.... fans with blades never bothered me. I think there are things that need to be updated that arnt.

I'm assuming its in german?

I have never complained about blades. Why are companies ignoring what we can and making things we aren't asking for.... unless *idea*.... When I get really drunk I usually write strongly worded letters to major companies trying to get them to make products that I would normally find useless or unnecessary. They must

the internet makes my I's look like this... i

I love when companies come out with new cameras. It allows me to afford the older model.