
"Would a guilty man run? No, I'm serious, would he?"

@JabbaB: ok so he was a few months off. no need to get all "umm no just to inform you..." like some preppy high school girl. and this had nothing to do with the end of the that was a quote, so unless NASA is wrong it is in 2013

two things, im in northern wisconsin and didnt see a thing. me and my buddies were looking for it. and 2, is this a real video of the sun or a rendering, cuz thats awesome.

by the time this comes out, huge screens will be out and keyboards will be back in.

Why does he wear the same outfit ALL THE TIME!!!???

In Russia, keyboard types you!

@oh no i di'n't: I would have to agree. There was some liquid in those gasses.

Did the "slut" tuck her arm over her nasty boob? Or did she just casually drape her nasty boob over her arm?

@SKiTz: yeah, steve jobs has turned into a dick lately.

None of them gazing at the "Death Star" as its being built????????

@Chip Norkus: Google doesnt need the info. The DROIDS are their mobile agents and Google Search knows everything we search for.

@Jakooboo- SHARK WEEK.: What kind of account numbers. You would have to be retarded to link a bank account or something like that to FB.

Sega? I didnt even know they were still around

Well, Im glad scientists at one of the oldest and most prestegious tech companies can study the most inner working of our brains to "optimize search engines or track social networks." I guess if health-care is ever socialized, we'll all be waiting in line behind facebook as it gets its annual full body scan.