
It’s true - I’ve tested it. On second thought, I should do further testing.

Now this is my kind of lifehack!

Was no autopsy performed? Surely a coroner was involved and when that  poor man was brought in with blistered and peeling skin, photographs were taken and tests performed.

Yep. This is a situation in which I’d be glad to be proven wrong.

Yup, same.

I am an atheist but I hope that there is a hell in situations like this, and I hope those fucking guards burn in it forever.

Yes there is always a dumb Indiegogo peddlign some hunk of crap with a companion app. And they always hit their goal. I wonder who the hell is buying this stuff?

regardless, people seem keen on throwing money at them

I don’t see how this is more clever than any other phishing scam. Why would any attachment take you to your login page when you are already logged in?

you greatly overestimate the intelligence of your fellow humans.

Came to say EXACTLY THIS. God dammit, am I tired of this BS. Yeah, the children should see it so they learn that one of their neighbors is a complete asshole. The people who spray-painted it are assholes, too.

I love that fucker’s reasoning “Why should we have to subject them to that?”

Won’t someone think of the property values?!?

You know DAMN WELL this isn’t about some damn children.

...or African.

Not that I’ve been following Melania’s shady beginnings in her stay in the US so I might be sternly corrected in the comments, but now that she’s married to a US citizen, isn’t she in the US legally now? Overstaying your visa and then marrying into the US is a thing among certain demographics *cough* particularly

I don’t think you’ve been paying much attention to immigrant deportations in the U.S. for the last decade.

Thank you. This article was apologist bullshit.

That’s too much tiptoeing around. I’ve found that a simple “Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?” works wonders. If that doesn’t get through to the small brain behind the thick skull, asking HR “Dude, what the fuck’s wrong with Anthony?” certainly will.

I like how this article, from the first sentence, rides the line between being a wake-up call and being a self-fulfilling prophecy.