
It’s true - I’ve tested it. On second thought, I should do further testing.

Now this is my kind of lifehack!

Vote with your clicks. By clicking on this article, you’ve given them incentive to continue publishing these types of articles. If they find they aren’t getting page impressions on political articles, they’ll realize they aren’t generating revenue and drop them.

Giz do us a favor and drop politics, this is a tech site, and reporting about politics is just like cancer now days.

Was no autopsy performed? Surely a coroner was involved and when that  poor man was brought in with blistered and peeling skin, photographs were taken and tests performed.

Yep. This is a situation in which I’d be glad to be proven wrong.

Yup, same.

I am an atheist but I hope that there is a hell in situations like this, and I hope those fucking guards burn in it forever.

This person doesn’t realize that you can look up and literally see satellites with your naked eye at the right time of night? Fuck people like that.

Isn’t Shaq an international celebrity at this point? Hasn’t he, you know, flown AROUND the world on multiple occasions? Has he never flown west and ended up at a location that he knows is “east” of him in the other direction?

So, does LSU keep him in their HoF?

Yes there is always a dumb Indiegogo peddlign some hunk of crap with a companion app. And they always hit their goal. I wonder who the hell is buying this stuff?

regardless, people seem keen on throwing money at them

I don’t see how this is more clever than any other phishing scam. Why would any attachment take you to your login page when you are already logged in?

I hate to break it to you, but once you die, well, your body’s going to need another pair of pants anyway.

VX kinda makes that whole “make sure you wear clean underwear” thing irrelevant.

you greatly overestimate the intelligence of your fellow humans.

Came to say EXACTLY THIS. God dammit, am I tired of this BS. Yeah, the children should see it so they learn that one of their neighbors is a complete asshole. The people who spray-painted it are assholes, too.

I like how this article, from the first sentence, rides the line between being a wake-up call and being a self-fulfilling prophecy.