Anyone who has worked retail knows that you are given contradictory, nearly impossible demands: interact with customers, offer add-on sales, etc. but also keep your area clean, create/change displays, etc.
Anyone who has worked retail knows that you are given contradictory, nearly impossible demands: interact with customers, offer add-on sales, etc. but also keep your area clean, create/change displays, etc.
The associates at Home Depot are supposed to interact with me? I usually have to search half the store to find one in the first place.
“Drunk racists with guns.”
State law in Florida is that parking illegally in a handicapped space should result in a $500 fine. And responsible disability advocates do things like create and use this app for reporting illegal parking to fine people who break that law:…
Talking back to a cop is not an artestable offense. Sandra Bland should have been ticketed at most but not arrested. That cop was already looking to use violence when he threatened to “light her up” when she didn’t put out her cigarette.
Never forget that Marissa Alexander shot a warning shot in the roof to stop her estranged husband from hurting her, if this wasn’t a case of Stand Your Ground, I don’t know what is, and Angela Corey rejected the Stand Your Ground and gave that sister 20 years FOR.SHOOTING.AT.A.ROOF
No, of course not.
So they tossed the house and confiscated all the cash, guns, prescriptions written out to family members, and illegal drugs, right?
The way I see it, White people can be divvied up this way:
I wish it were a felony as opposed to a misdemeanor. That housecoat alone ought to elevate the severity of the charges.
She had multiple warrants. She ran from the officers inside her residence. The officers were forced to make forced entry into her residence and took her into custody without further incident,” Sgt. Paul Davis told the news station.
Wow, Managers dont have the ability to fire people? Sounds like bullshit
So they have video evidence of her crime but only her word of his alleged crime? Fuck that and fuck her.
The shit is that stuff on his teeth? He looks like one of the Gorrillaz had a salad for lunch.
I thought this comment said “I hope his asshole burns” and honestly I do. Forever.
Did you ever see the video of Vanilla Ice talking about how the tune for Ice Ice Baby is totally different from Under Pressure with a huge shit eating grin on his face? Like he was positive he was being super clever and was totally putting one over on everyone. Then he lost everything he owned.
Trust me, I’m 24 and a big rap fan, and I still feel out of it with these people. I can handle people like Yachty and Uzi to a certain extent, but dudes like this or Lil Pump make me cringe. Stop letting these stupid kids with a billion face tattoos, stupid hair and trash bars get famous.
I hate to be Team Tattoo Artist, but just like you can decide where you want your tattoos, he can also decide what work he’ll stand behind and what he WON’T. Clearly you have artistic differences, as evident by your contempt of his other work. So why would you use him in the first place?