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    What are you talking about?? Right-wing gimmick account?? Fat lot you know. For your information, I really am a…oh wait a sec. Damn you!! Damn you Asianshoebox!! You're just messing with me now. That's it, I give up.

    Really big sigh…No, you're just lazy, knee-jerk liberals.

    You know, I heard a rumor, something about not having to eat there if you think it's overpriced.

    Wow, talk about takin' it to the man!

    First, what is DRM-Free? Second, why is it neat?

    Yeah, they would so shit themselves, totally, omg, for sure. FOX is so stupid. Oh! And they're racist too! I almost forgot the racist part, cause um, well I heard they were, so it's true.

    Next up for the Prez: MTV's Beach House!!! BOYYYYYYY!

    Ghandi. F*cking Ghandi! Tootsie was the best picture that year.

    "For instance, when the Godfather runs a car wash, he sprays cars with blank. Most of the celebrities automatically say, “bullets,” but come on—if you remember the movie, a better answer is “olive oil.”
    Olive Oil?? That's a better answer than bullets? Umm, no. How about:
    Badda bing! You get blood all over your nice

    If bricks were ugly, your Mother would have many bricks.

    I like Father Goose, and Houseboat and I don't care what ya'll think!

    I'm with you, looks like a good time, but definitely not for everyone if you get my meaning (JustSmileAndNod).

    The only reason I'd attend the Say Anything party would be to quickly make the rounds to collect my friends so that we could all go across town and have a blast at the Sixteen Candles party.

    And for proof all you need to do is listen to her great duet with Iggy on Candy. Now that's some good singing.

    Finally picked up Pink Flag by WIRE. Fantastic, simple, short and nothing like their later work (Ahead, Please, Take). It also includes, Strange, later covered on R.E.M.'s Document.

    Why oh why can't you be more clear! Stop beating around the bush and just state what you think. Bonus points for, "thing-in-human-form," devastating and I'm sure it's got old Rumsfeld looking over his shoulder.

    Tell me you didn't mean that.

    What about all that, "If you like the old look we will keep it. Period,"

    Gosh, everyone commenting sure does know their Monty Python. I don't know about you, but I sure would like to hear some more of those great Python zingers! Come A.V. Commenters - start posting.

    There is an upside to all of this, though. David St. Hubbins and Derek Smalls have been quietly watching and taking notes. The time is right to finally bring Saucy Jack to the Great White Way.