
First I would like to say I am a Millennial and everyone in our generation (that has brains) that I speak to on this issue feels the way I do. In my opinion we assign closer to libertarians. Very socially democratic and fiscally conservative. We hate that the Government has so much control and tells us what to do, and

I'm impressed. A whole 3D printed gun article on Gizmodo in which the word scary wasn't used a single time.

Sorry kids... Genie is out of the bottle now.... 3D printing really did kill any attempt at gun control.

"Sorry about that. Here, have some blankets..."

So you read a Native Americans Comment... You disapprove of it because he isn't up in arms about it like you are then dismiss it...

As a native american I find this whole debate silly. IF you are uptight and have no life wouldn't priority #1 be the mascot "Sooners" aka people who cheated and stole Indian land before it was legally available? To me IF I had no life and was offended by silly things that seems much worse than "Redskins" but I can't

I must admit, I'm not on the fence on this issue but I'm not exactly impassioned about it. The "Redskin" term itself I understand can sound offensive to people. But I have this sneaking suspicion that once Snyder is broken (on this issue I mean, one could argue that's already the case) and the name changes the…

Read that, and see how horribly ABC spins it. He's not saying "I will beat her but in such a way that it doesn't bruise" but rather is saying "I do not want to hurt my child."

I don't know if everyone is racist or anti-NFL or just wants to jump on this insanity crusade but you are

How does reggie discipline his 1yr I dnt hear him say i hit her??

Oh fuck off, Barry. "Fuck that team"

Robert "Sunk Cost Fallacy" Griffin III.

More coming soon on this, obviously.

This. People are such bags of hot gas anymore.

Wait am I too early for the "OMG I'd never take a tacky poop cruise, I only do volunteerism at remote tropical farms where I get to help tend to indigenous cacao species" crowd? No problem, I'll come back in an hour.

This is a terrible analogy and you should feel bad.

You know your argument is valid if the WWE agrees with you, right?

I'm sure the EPA and various environmental groups will make sure that we never see a drop of it. In fact, it's probably being held as collateral for the Chinese.

Hmmm. So hell could potentially freeze over.

Your point is fair enough, except: was Dan Rafael going to hire you for a gig that might land you on the front page of the ESPN website?