

this reaction makes those memes valid.

I love this chick

Oz never gets enough credit for being a rapey pioneer for television. Really, that was a lot of words for a stupid subject. Game of Thrones is set in a world and a time where being a woman sucked ass.

Rush comes off like a likable uncle, maybe a little old-fashioned, but cute in an archie bunker sort of way. I personally didn't realize that Tranny was an offensive term.

a scientist without skepticism? that actually sounds like the opposite of science.

we should just burn all white males at the stake...fuck white guys

I'm furious that we're constantly being put into camps. Walking alone at night is dangerous for everyone, crime has an affect on everyone. Men have women that we love and care for and would die to protect. We're all in this together...the only division is between those that would victimize others and those that

perhaps if anti-gun types didn't always politicize tragedies, morons like this wouldn't connect dots that aren't there?

he's definitely an anomaly. just because there's probably a forum out there for people that like to fuck amputee dwarves doesn't make it the norm. Do you honestly believe there are that many people that have this world view?

They sound like socialists discussing income inequality, just this is sexual inequality. Like they have a right to other people's orifices because those orifices were redistributed to someone else. sick. legal prostitution might help, but some of these dudes are too far gone.

btw, I love the guys trolling on an issue that causes so many people so much pain. That's what the internet is all about. cheers martiniguy, you win at the internets.

This is a good start. I'd like to see Narcan become more readily available to households as it should be apart of anyone's first aid kit. Ultimately, i'd like to see the drug war brother would be alive today if the heroin he used was prepared by a phd instead of a highschool dropout that probably failed the

income inequality stinks - but there really isn't a way to create equality while maintaining freedom, independence and individualism. "communist" china with all of its control and power over its citizenry can't create equality. The soviet union couldn't either. Instead of income inequality there becomes a power

income inequality stinks - but there really isn't a way to create equality while maintaining freedom, independence and individualism. "communist" china with all of its control and power over its citizenry can't create equality. The soviet union couldn't either. Instead of income inequality there becomes a power

income inequality stinks - but there really isn't a way to create equality while maintaining freedom, independence and individualism. "communist" china with all of its control and power over its citizenry can't create equality. The soviet union couldn't either. Instead of income inequality there becomes a power

First off, you've offended everyone with sinus issues by turning mouth breathing into a pejorative. Check your clear sinus privilege at the door you fucking bully. Secondly, I found the coverage of all of the crying draft picks to be exploitive, but ESPN went into overdrive by going back to the coverage every time