

HOLY SHIT! She DOES! I’m dying!!!!!!

She is probably taller

That was my thought. How many actual WOC got screwed because of her? She took her privilege, tucked it in her fucking pocket, so she could profit off opportunities that weren’t for her. 

I just need to say that she also looks a LOT like Glenn Danzig, which ain’t gonna make the rest of her life any more enjoyable.

The US is sending only one athlete to compete in every single event, and it’s Simon Biles.

I wonder how all the black people that missed out on jobs, funding, etc. feel about it though. That type of thing has both an economic, professional, and mental and emotional effect. She didn’t just steal culture , she stole opportunity that would have benefited actual black people on multiple levels. I hope she gets

Is Jez really doing a story about “how will the short little black lady swim”??? About the most amazing U.S. amateur female athlete? Yikes.

The takedown and the burn(s) of this article are deeply satisfying.

Laws vary, but if he was formally evaluated and not found to be a threat to himself or others, they have to let him go. It involves more than somebody just saying “I wish I were dead.” They have to have serious ideation, intent, and usually a plan to be held against their will.

With this many bad apples, it’s probably time to switch to pears, cuz this ain’t edible. 

Nothing to see here, folks. Just a single, solitary bad apple which I’m sure was immediately plucked from the barrel before it could ruin other shiny, good apples. 

Yep. He said one of the quiet parts out loud, didn’t he?

respect my rights and no one else’s

Right winger: “If I die, I die”

The thing that always gets me is how calloused right wingers are about death.

Strong “Kylie desperately trying to be Kim” vibes with Tiffany.

Come to Daddy...

Are we sure this creature isn’t a Russian bot? Honestly, this shit is right out of their playbook.