

I still can’t believe the ego it takes to run in an election with no plan, no ideas, no reason except to sate their own ego.

Is it? Verified by whom?

The management of a corporation has a singular job to do: to return the greatest amount of money to its owners (shareholders).

Lemme be the bad guy.

I hope the first question is, “WHO GIVES A FUCK?”

WOW. That was great. “Y’all are so weird.” Amen.

And there it is. I hope everyone who didn’t vote for Hillary because of their stupid fucking principles sees what happens when you purity test yourself into oblivion. Oh? She didn’t inspire you? Maybe losing your health insurance will inspire you.

This just in: a crime isn’t a crime if the Other does something worse. Film at eleven.

Don’t worry. I’m sure the Pro-police-state, Republican-led DOJ will get right on doing something about law enforcement violating laws. Any day now. Just you wait.

I’m beginning to think that Trump legitimately believes that this is how business works; saying a bunch of lies and then making the lies superficially true enough that people believe them, and then “cashing out” by recouping less than what someone else gave you to put in, and leaving someone else holding the bag and

If by “clown” you mean “software the inexperienced employee has to follow while filling the order”, then yes, that’s pretty much exactly what one should expect. In my retail experience, both from watching online grocery shoppers and from working a couple of runs myself, the system doesn’t always have the most logical

Is it big enough to house an indoor golf course and a casino?

As long as you have some self awareness that you doing this means you’re literally part of the problem, go for it. 

I remember when a certain idiot declared “like magic, it will disappear” by summer.

When you purchase a young, fame-hungry Republican, you get sexual misconduct. It’s a two for one deal. Always. 

Remember when we thought this would be over by summer? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Exactly. He isn’t going with A or B, he’s going to either go with

Does Trump admit that he was lying, or does he just say screw it and unleash more chaos with a flood of unredacted documents that might not paint him in the greatest of lights?”

I mean, if your question is does the existence of poverty bother me, then yes. So much so that I use the money I make “peddling this nonsense” to help support a few friends and family who are, unfortunately, currently part of that group worrying about where their next paycheck is coming from.