Nick Wanserski

If Doc Cochran wasn't sharing space with an entourage of fantastically written characters, his would stand out further as one of the best television characters created.
His beat-down morality, tattered but intact despite all the bludgeoning Doc has received in his life, is such a compelling trait.
I love misanthrope

Beautiful work, Girard.

I would so dearly love it if they declared Kaine the winner.
"It was obvious tonight folks. Tim Kaine came out hungry while our guy was a sleepy little teddy bear who couldn't be bother to yank the nook-nook out of his mouth long enough to make one bullshit argument in defense of a completely-fact-free policy position.

She's being used for the fall illustrations. Summer was robots.

Hah! That's awesome. Thanks!

And now that you do, what are you going to do about it? I'm free from 3-5 today.

Yeah, it was a three-Manhattan debate for me. And afterward I had to watch a little Star Trek: The Next Generation for its crazy, sci-fi premise that the future will be a better place.

Sounds like a problem with the cyber.

And you needed all those guys to get that movie to stand up to Mifune and Shimura from Seven Samurai. I enjoy to some degree or the other all the talent in this movie, but shit, they're up against pedigree.

A shame. Despite knowing it's a completely unessential remake, I was still hoping this would be good. But really, what's left that you can possibly do after you already have Yul Brynner and Steve McQueen driving that carriage with the poor dead Indian up to the white cemetery?

"Lover's Day" by TV on the Radio. It's so filthy and so committed, I love it.

It was kind of a stinker to realize the despicable opportunist character of Jayne was achieved by Baldwin not acting.
What's delightful in a hi jinks-filled Han Solo space western is maybe not so delightful in the real world.

Given some of the potential storylines I've had other comic fans present to me about their favorite characters, I'd say that's a fair takeaway.

It's been edited for clarity, but what I was trying to say with that opening line is to my young self, it looked like a Gilliam movie. I'm aware he didn't direct it.

It's been edited for clarity, but I never meant to say Terry Gilliam directed the movie, just that to my young self I thought it would be like a Terry Gilliam movie.

It's imagination chicken!

I had to change the graphic anyway for formatting reasons, but no sense in letting perfectly good feedback go to waste.

I don't normally cut the corners off of shoulders like that. It was to reinforce the idea of it being fabric. But all noted. Thanks for the feedback!
Edit: Also, if going through pages of stock photos of Tim Gunn has taught me anything, it's that he always knows what to do with his hands.

You don't think it works? I really liked his expression in this one. Contemplative, but still charming.

Minnehaha Falls is the best. It's such an unexpected dynamic natural feature in the otherwise unbroken flatness of Minnesota. Should you have the chance and spare cash before the seasons over, get a fish sandwich from Sea Salt, the restaurant just fifty feet away from the falls. They're pretty damn good.