Nick Wanserski

If you go to this link, you should be able to download the image.

I did, thanks. When I opened up the wallpaper in Photoshop, it forced a change in the dimensions because apparently we're not even using the same pixel ratios as we were when XP came out.

It sure seems like it. I feel like when I begin introducing my daughter to fantasy, it will be like showing her the natural structure of a leaf or a sea shell.
"You see, honey, in nature, fantasy books usually always group in threes."

I'm waiting on Patrick Rothfuss to boot the third Kingkiller trilogy out the door. Also, as much as I love the standalone novels, it would be swell of Joe Abercrombie to work on the Second Law trilogy.
Good fantasy is a rare enough that I can't really muster patience for it to emerge.

You mean Obscuros, The Untold One?

They've included unmoderated online multiplayer, figuring it will be a fair approximation.

True Blood.
The opener is everything I want from a Southern Gothic vampire show. No need to watch the show and muck up that beautiful vision.


I figured it was no longer appropriate for me to continue my scathing, paranoid anti-Papist diatribes from behind the iron-clad anonymity of a cartoon duck.

No, he got paid with a copy of Matt Hazard.

In the spirit of this new, digital-future Digest, I really like Teti's spartan THX-1138 interview-cube as a contrast to Gerardi's post-Skynet human resistance bunker.
But if this were really the future, Gerardi's pill would be the actual ice cream, and not just the pill necessary to have the ice cream.