
As another perpetual single this is something that I’m dying to know as well.

to be fair they are working on sharks with laser beams attached to their heads

Lots of people of avoid sex with people of the opposite sex...

The only robot Russell wants to bone is Marco Rubio.

to cover for the obvious.

Infinite Chell. Woah, the soundtrack just adds to the trippiness of it.

I thought Dubya was the worst president of my lifetime, and right now, staring down the barrel of President Trump or President Cruz, I'm actually starting to miss him a little....

Every single “nice” thing someone said about him, as quoted in this article, is pretty much textbook damning with faint praise. It’s pretty beautiful to witness.

Panton told Jezebel in an emailed statement. “Ted and I had many mutual friends who would usually stop by to watch movies, play video games, or even engage in long, fun discussions about politics, philosophy, and life.”

Thought processes following these things are always such a mixed bag.

Good thing that social media doesn’t decide innocence or guilt. RATIONAL people are upset because he didn’t get a fair trial.

Well you found your soulmate, that much is clear.

Here’s what I’ve gathered (and agree with):


Hey Nintendo, send me free stuff, or I’ll rip off your IP! And, and, I’ll do it in a way that’s so clever that if you sue me, YOU’LL look like the assholes! Don’t fuck this up for me, Nintendo!”

“Oh geez Rick, I don’t think it’s okay to fight alternate versions of myself, you know?”

So brave. So moving.

Spider-Gwen is the reason i finally got into comics!