
As long as Chie says "Aha! Is this our chance?" on the fighter select screen I'm in.

I really wonder if this project began with the name "Silent Hill" or if it was built with early Vita dev specs and later Konami slapped on the brand to give it that extra edge. Either way, the further you get from what made a game great, you really have to ask yourself- why stick to the name?

This is why, years ago, I made a concerted effort to finish every game I start. Since then, the only time I haven't finished a game has either been due to technical errors (damaged discs, etc.) or, after giving it everything I had, I just truly hated the game and couldn't stand another second (only happened twice this

Just finished Alice: Madness Returns for PS3. Not a bad game, not a great game. Every level feels way longer than it needs to be. In between games until Catherine comes out so until then I'll just be checking in on Tiny Tower for my iPhone.

Can't tell if that's footage from E3 or Celebrity Rehab.

Codemasters never hurt anyone. Dudes just made kick-ass rally games.

Randy, stop wasting everybody's time and just make Borderlands 2 already!

They added gliding which is pretty cool but... is that really enough? I guess it is for some people. I dunno, I want to be excited about Mario Kart but I want it to deliver something really new. This doesn't look like that game.

You naughty little minx, you!

I feel like Nintendo introduced this as if to say, this is just an example, a proof of concept to show you where we're going. The real game will be much more than this.

My first impression- holy crap it's HUGE!

My thoughts exactly!

Very nice, cute art style. Reminds me of a mix between Wind Waker and Costumer Quest looks-wise. Glad to see the Rolando folks moving beyond iOS. Unless they did stuff before iPhone games I don't know.

• Next year, for Metal Gear's 25th anniversary, you're thinking of doing something big: "Yes."

So bummed, this does not want to launch for me. It was only $2 so I'm not really bothered but considering it's a pretty low-tech item I'm shocked to be having technical issues.

The games were chosen by a public vote. When I voted I took a lot of factor into account such as the visuals but I also put a lot of emphasis on the overall feeling the games evoked in me while playing. Basically whether or not I had some kind of attachment or memory associated with the games. Shadow of the Colossus

Probably one of the best articles I've ever read on Kotaku. More content like this!

I guess I hadn't realized it because I bought it back during the Wii's launch but they never dropped the price of Twilight Princess. That seems so strange and, I don't know, to drop the price now is funny almost. I wonder if somebody was holding out these five years for that thing to drop and now they're gonna pick it

It's too late in the 360's lifecycle for me to shift to XBL now but next console cycle I'm definitely considering moving to Microsoft in the wake of all this Sony business.