
Considering Capital One charges me 18% interest they can spare the $5 and ship me a new card.

Apple will stop selling the white iPhone 4 in September because nobody would be caught dead with a white phone after Labor Day.

A little lame but an A for effort. Also, the Minnie Mouse girl was faaaaantastic.

That first screen looks like she's dancing with the detective from Heavy Rain. Wonder if they got the same actor.

Verizon has said the unlimited data for iPhone is a limited-time offer. If data is that important to you, you might want to get in now. I, for one, am waiting.

I know one guy who's gonna be so bummed to hear this.

Crappy web design. Notice how the gigantic flash banner covers up most of the content on-screen. It's really quite amazing.

All aboard this Nintendownload train's a-leaving! CHOOOO CHOOOOOOOO

Damn I was basically going to write the same thing. Just a huge NG fan from back in the day, it's cool to see Tom & Co. getting the success they deserve. I ended up moving on from the site a few years back but it's crazy to see how far it's come. They were so far ahead of the times as far as site features go including

30 hours in, Mass Effect 2 has hit its limit with me. Love the game but I'm ready to be done. One more crew member to recruit, two loyalty missions, and then it's on to the end.

Whenever I see articles like this, the game SHIBUYA is criminally overlooked. Usually goes for 99 cents. It's so good, simple, very fun, awesome soundtrack. Get itttt

Pretty sure this is the gun John Malkovich makes in that movie In The Line of Fire

Now playing

Kind of reminds me of The Streets. Just not as good.

Woody Allen seems to bring out the best in Scarlett Johansson. Match Point & Vicky Christina Barcelona are great films and she was good in both. It's a shame she can't seem to turn down other projects though. I also think it gets some undeserved hate but Lost In Translation was a damn fine movie and gave her a lot of

For me, it's too early to judge either one. I don't feel like I've seen enough games on either system to be interested in buying a 3DS or NGP. As far as tech specs go though I'd say NGP has eclipsed the 3DS but the Wii has kind of proven that doesn't mean Nintendo won't sell a bunch of them.

This is exactly why I never walk over metal grates in the city. If you fall down there the Rat King is gonn get youuu!

I only eat organic taco meat-like filling because I care about local farmers.

I am snowed in with a fresh copy of LittleBigPlanet 2. Just feeling all-around awesome about that. The user-generated levels are already showing off some great creativity. I think one of the best additions to the sequel's infrastructure is []

I agree 100%. I was mad at myself for having waited so long to playing RDR but early this month I finally got around to it. I was blown away. The story in particular is the best thing Rockstar has ever done. The world just felt so good to explore. It was a treat and a rare experience.

Sir, never shave that 'stache!