

Maybe I need to see it in person but I'm not crazy about the two-tone design. It reminds of of the first-gen DS. Looking forward to the 3DS Lite.

I can't believe it's 2010 and I'm excited about a product getting built-in wifi.

Motoblur? What did we do to deserve that?

@Blackout62: so are the people turned into monsters by the Chimera ALSO known as Chimera?

Yes to Shenmue! But really want Shenmue II because it's a better game.

Man, I've beaten both Resistance games and I still can't say for sure if the Chimera is a virus, an alien race, a virus started by an alien race, a race of aliens that breeds via a virus. I don't know.

The question seems flawed. To me, it's not about any ONE Android phone against the iPhone- it's one platform versus another. I don't, can't, and won't go to AT&T therefore, Android is a better, more available option for me. However, not every consumer is like me so the iPhone is perfect for them. Simple as that. The


Don't get so worked up- the game is still early and things like HUD no doubt get refined over time.

"This is a beach story and who's King of da Beach?" The Daily Show still makes me laugh. Don't get the Munn hate either. Personally, I think it's pretty cool she's on the show.

A Quick Look, you say? You'll be hearing from the Whiskey Media attorneys soon, Crecente!

Out of all the smart gamers out there I can't believe nobody has made something like this.

That second photo brings back memories... SHOW ME YOUR RAAAGE, SNAKE!!

A buh-buh-buh-bird bird bird Hurley Bird is the word!

Didn't buy the last pack, won't be buying this one. I'm sure some people feel they're getting their money's worth and that's a-ok with me. People are free to spend their money on whatever they want. I just can't justify the price for myself.

de Blob is definitely one of Wii's hidden gems. Glad to see it's getting a (hopefully budget priced) sequel.

So excited for this game I can barely stand the wait. I loved Fallout 3 and this looks like more of a great thing.

Sonyyy save the thunder for the big show! Hmm, maybe this means they have enough stuff to top all this for the E3 press event.