
Sadly my Macbook with integrated graphics probably won't run in. But still good news for Apple fans.

The only part of that I cared about were the words "improved controls" Looks like the sequel will be playable.

anything as big as Killzone 3 or Resistance 3 seems more like an E3 kind of thing. Could be cool but I'm not expecting anything Earth-shattering.

This is just good business on Activision's part. The CoD games developed by Infinity Ward just weren't bringing in the big bucks. They need to turn this thing around!

That is actually really awesome! Makes me want a DSi just a little bit more. Is there anything like that for iPhone/iPod touch?

Just beat Heavy Rain- I really hope it sells well!

I remember when the first trailer for Rainy Woods came out- I think it was in 2007. I was so excited because it looked a lot like Twin Peaks of which I am a huge fan. Hard to stress how much I love that show. I'm happy to see it wasn't vapor-ware and is coming out as Deadly Premonition. Odd how it's a 360 exclusive

I loved the short-sightedness going around when the iPad was announced. (That's not to say the rampant Apple fanboyism was any better.) Of course it isn't something EVERYONE needs or wants but it will no doubt have some cool things going for it.

if the lights are still on- maybe the Hoover dam is still operational. Could be interesting to see something like that. I think the Hoover powers Las Vegas, no?

I just hope it's close to being as much fun as Fallout 3, I loved that game.

Wow, could not disagree with you more about the 8-bit side jobs. Best part of the game, aside from the bosses, in my opinion.

while I'm sure ME2 is an excellent game, I was playing No More Heroes 2 last week- loved every minute.

While I share many of the concerns brought up in this article- I think you're overlooking the A4 system on a chip which will allow for more robust experiences, wholly unique to the iPad. I don't think iPad gaming will be as popular as it is on the iPhone but it could be it's own thing.

The owls are not what they seem.

Apple's SLATEst creation.

Wait I thought this was going to be DLC. Could someone explain the whole RE5 situation going on? I remember voting on Capcom Unity and the DLC winning out over a disc version. Was that not for this product?

@AOClaus: lol I'm sure that's making fun of me. I swear I hate grammar and word nazis that always correct people. I just happened to misuse the word the other day and found out I was wrong and thought I'd share the wealth.

@Arkos: fun fact- the word "nonplussed" does not actually mean unimpressed. It's actually a state of confusion or bewilderment. Not being a dick I genuinely thought you'd like to know. I always thought it meant unimpressed until I recently read the definition.

it actually made me nauseous- glad I wasn't the only one.

man that acting is brutal