
One time I criticized Uncharted 2 for introducing more supernatural stuff as it did in the first game. It struck me as a misstep based on how the twist of Drake's Fortune was received. I learned one thing: don't criticize this game. People are very protective of it. They go into a corner and sob and repeat

I'm pretty shocked by how much hate people are giving a service that hasn't even been released yet. Many of the concerns people have raised in the comments here are valid but I'm willing to give OnLive a shot when it comes out. If it doesn't work- I'll stop using it. Simple as that. If it does work? That's great.

@Sayshu: I really think/hope they are building up this service with the plan to eventually be bought out by a more gaming-centric company or some other third party and make a lot of money on the sale.

the environment looks great, the necromorph design leaves something to be desired. Still early though

@Danarcho: that's Q Entertainment, I think. Not Q-Games.

I will be getting this and subscribing to GamePro based mostly on Davison's direction. I know he'll do great things with the magazine. Really looking forward to it.

2008 - The Year of Great PS3 Games

Man, really? All the excitement I had for this game has long since passed. The only bright side I see to this news is that it will give Yakuza 3 one less game to contend with in March within the U.S.

und Mac?


@Shakespeare: what's up with all that ghosting in Hamlet? That king dude was scary.

There's certainly room for two present-day shooters in the world but I hope this game at least attempts to set itself apart from Modern Warfare.

I think Kotaku is fair with user comments. I spend the most time posting on GameFAQS boards and the admins there basically don't allow anything. These comment threads strike a nice balance, though between what is and what isn't acceptable. The whole audition stage of being a user on Kotaku threw me off a bit but now I

They could just make a game exactly like Far Cry 2, fix the guard post respawns, the cheap weapon degradation, and the malaria and I would buy it. I liked the 2nd game I just wish the problems had been fixed.

This is a total rip off of that movie. You know the one. A Clockwork Orange. Way to go, dudes.

I shudder at the idea of co-op play. I can see it now "The Legend of Zelda will enter the 4th dimension!" Whatever that means.

Wow I feel so sorry for all the men and women working hard at Pandemic. It's a real shame to hear this, especially when they were so close to releasing a game they obviously put a lot of effort into. I was planning on buying the Saboteur and still might if it turns out to be good. Previews have been favorable. Just a

Congrats to Borderlands- it felt like the underdog going into this but it's a good game and deserves the good sales. A bummer bout Brutal Legend though. #npd

Currently $40,000+ in student loan debt. I fear for my girlfriend, when she gets done we're thinking it'll be somewhere around $200,000 for her. It's scary to think people will be paying off their education for the next 20 years or more. #nightnote