
No its not. Andromeda had a few issues, but that is a great game. 

Honestly the whole show felt rushed to me. It’s cool that they hit all the main beats from the game in some way, but they just did it so fast and it doesn’t feel as impactful to me as the games did. I’m not saying they needed some filler episodes, but it felt like watching game of thrones warp people around to

Jesus, this is why I don’t visit Kotaku much anymore. Worry more about video game news and less about what pronoun you are called. Or we will all be calling you jobless soon. Cause this site sucks right now. 

Also wanted to add that there is no way some magic city has been hiding all this time on Neptune either. No chance. That was the dumbest part of the DLC to me so far, but Nimbus and the other guy are pretty close. 

Yeah, this feels like an expansion that should’ve cost 10 bucks, not 50. And those Neptunian people are the dumbest looking things I have ever seen and really take me out of the game. Makes me feel like I am not playing destiny, but some crappy rip off now. 

Yeah, good luck trying to get the morons of this country to go with that though. You’ll have dumbass republicans putting the brightest possibles lights on their cars if you try to regulate them in anyway cause you ain’t takin away Billy Bob’s right to have super bright headlights on his 20 foot tall tiny dick mobile.

Did you just mansplain opinions? 

Is there any crack left on the planet after you made this list? 

For real. I got the PS4 copy myself and the 17 gig update sucked (internet SUCKS where I am at so it took like 4 hours to download that) but at least I could play once the game installed off the discs. That still took like 45 minutes to do but wasn’t too bad. 

I doubt that. Where are you seeing this information on people signing up faster than people are leaving? Cause that doesn’t sound correct at all. 

Killing it is great and so is the Resort too FYI. 

For real, I have peacock right now too and Killing It is great and the Resort was pretty good, and then I watched Parks and the Office again and now I am basically out of ideas there. I’m gonna catch up on the new season of Resident Alien since that is on there and cancel now it looks like. I don’t even ever keep

LOL I bet your house looks like trash. And musk is just a thinner mypillow guy. 

I hear you, I’m a console player at heart too, and I used to not even want to bother with PC but they really have basically made PC an xbox that does other things now really. I hate mouse and keyboard controls, and only use that when I absolutely have to. I’m loving it though especially with Sony putting their games

You should see what having a switch and a PC does! 

Just get a PC and have both. Most PS games, at least the good ones are starting to show up on PC now, and I also basically have an xbox as well. Then you get the PC exclusive stuff as well. And then bonus I can do work and browse the internet too easily. 

Jesus, people like you are why republicans are still a thing. Hmm, wonder what was going on before Obama got into office? No, it couldn’t have been Bush tanking the economy. Had to be Obama’s fault for those 8 years before he was in office. Same shiats happening now. Trump totally didn’t nosedive us from what Obama

It sounds like an attention seeker seeking more attention. I’m sorry, if true that sucks for her. Go to the police though. Not the internet.

“I hope you finally see that he is a joke,” tweeted Dante Rene Santana of the FaZe Clan

Um, stay out of public lobbies now. You can do everything in invite only or closed friend sessions.