
I too found this episode so mawkish and twee that that i was making gag motions like a generation Xer being put through a Church Group sing along. I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to find this universally praised. On a side note , I was once in a bar where there was a sudden hush, and a parade of "singer songwriters

This is too spooky, Fidel Castro just died. Also TWO Steely Dan songs this season!! I really hope the next episode opens with Homer walking to Moes in slow motion along to Home At Last.

This show has rules, Smokey, this is not 'Nam!


Perhaps it's because I'm on the Europe side of the Atlantic , but I don't see why Patton Oswald is venerated.

But what about the clip on YouTube of him performing on some god forsaken 80 s super hits show , where some presenter hops onstage with a big cheesy grin right out of a family guy episode. Glorious

I love watching the various " behind the scenes" music documentaries particularly bands that are " legends" that you've vaguely heard your drummer bang on about. Case in point was many, many, years ago seeing one on the doors first album, and being really impressed that all these famous songs I'd half heard somewhere

Jason Statham in , Salad

cheers for the link!

Kokoda is such an amazing war film I haven't the guts to watch it again.

Toast of London has Matt Berry, in fact is Matt Barry

In Europe it was Wonderwall by Oasis

I remember turning up to the youth group one friday in a big baggy, brand new neon-white jumper, with some sort of cartoon elephant in a "caught in the cross hairs" pose on the front. Tucked in to the waist of blue jeans of course. With a shiny thin black belt. Everyone though it was the coolest thing they'd ever seen.

very keen to see if they reference the stephen collins scandal

What about the super group Tush? 40 minute songs in 7/11 time about the burmese god acacthuy who created the world by mating with a storm cloud, titled Thunderfuck.

Rick Marottas talking about 70 drummers being idolised for playing like "Cavemen", and showing the nuance behind the 15 tonne solid groove of Peg, literally (not figuratively) changed the way I played drums overnight. I demand they make a whole series of just the steely dan albums

Here in my cah,
I ponder the essential loneliness and despair of this wretched nightmare we call existence
[White noise break ]
do,da do, da do do, da do

Nothing from Bob Marley ? Bob Dylans born again phase ? Alison Krauss going down to the river to pray? Even Matisyahu , the ultimate in "bitching tunes, but feic, its about God" ?