
rebel scum, and the empire being the villains? I like it.

yeah, Kennedy produced the fucking Mandalorian. they just cherry pick what to blame her for, while saying how much they like this one thing. or they give all credit to Filoni. Dave Filoni deserves sainthood, but he’s not the only one who made these shows.

the point was not that these things were “too nerdy.” i have star wars and evangelion tattoos. I spend all my time reading fantasy novels and listening to the soundtrack to Twin peaks. I’m about as nerdy as they come.

I mean, like...I disagree 100%. I feel the problem is with nerds who feel they’re not getting what they want. but hey, everyone’s opinions are different.

correct. thank you.

I’d get another SW tattoo from Needles if i got the chance. dude’s a fiend, it’d be nice to get one from someone that really cares about SW like i do.

I have only two tattoos, the NERV fig-leaf logo from Evangelion, and the Imperial gear logo thing from Star Wars, one on each arm. I want more, but there’s something very primal about having my skin committed to the two pieces of storytelling media that changed my life the most.

go get one, dude.

my aurebesh sucks, what do they say?

okay, bye.

Both Ahsoka and Maul are in Rebels...neither of them die here...

Dave Filoni, pucker up. I could kiss you.

i know this is kind of contrary to what you’re saying, but I think a star wars survival horror game where a normal character is pursued by a sith lord would be so damned sick.

just as a heads up, Devil Master are like, part punk, part goth, and part black metal. they’re a tough listen, but you won’t hear much that’s more in the Loud Fast Rules column of punk than them.

I mean, yes, BUT.
did you watch Clone Wars? Did you watch Rebels? Did you watch Resistance? while those do occasionally do big huge stories, just as often they tell smaller, more personal Star Wars stories.

Math rock has been a thing for almost 30 years

Idles, Devil Master, Amyl and the Sniffers. There's some new punk for you. Go get started

But he was such a good rapper.

Second time I saw nails, Reznor disappears into the crowd. Reappears a bit later

learning such a thing would probably break my heart.