nobody remembers him for the Tick.
nobody remembers him for the Tick.
it’s not honourable to be an equal opportunity offender when not everyone has equal footing.
he obviously didn’t. dude’s one of the most honest to a fault guys in punk.
I’m not saying the band had no claim whatsoever. but suing over nonexistent lost money is just wrong.
with that said, Peligro was one of the best drummers in punk history and I will miss him tremendously.
I’m not certain the empire would have existed without Jedi.
bad take, Jack.
I don’t really agree. the Nolan Batman movies are so convoluted they require really dishonest editing just to make their stories function at all.
to be fair, that was HILARIOUS.
I’m sure this will be good, but me too.
that is a CRITICAL difference
poor dear. with his thoughtful, interesting films? how sad for you.
who hurt you?
I didn’t see it because I heard some bad stuff about broken legs. but I didn’t read a single positive review of that film
womp womp
Japanese is a language that requires speakers to apologize for basically everything.
I was literally joking about this idea this morning
your take is sickening and you’re a monster for suggesting this.
have you heard him speak? he sounds like Lord Morpheus’ black bubbles look.
can we stop with that ugly faux-hand drawn 3d cell shaded style? it looked great in Windwaker but that was like 20 years ago.
I think they believe it’s something you can just trigger. like somewhere, Obama will press a button and everyone will turn into the Shambling 5g Undead or something. it’s ridiculous.