Nick Taxidermy

no, haha. his handle is from the movie Freaked. it's this douchebag actor, and at one point a protestor is carrying a sign that says this.

Ricky Coogin sucks shit.

Oh, he's incredible. He's so unsure of himself. watching a character with sort of an inverted hero's journey is just awesome.

oh my god, have Donald Glover write a slick-ass Prince jam for it!

The entire idea that them getting the plans was all due to a rogue faction going against orders was very appealing to me.

I've said this before. Amazing concept, evil Darksider pursuing a bunch of weaker jedi, hunting and killing them, great premise, but really grim.

The guy he's choking in a New Hope isn't lying, they didn't really "intercept a transmission…"

it's the movie in microcosm, one scene of the lurching, shambling empire slaughtering the rebellion but JUST failing to stop them.


I met Tom from Thursday one time and he was perhaps the most decent, pleasant rock musician I ever encountered.

or popular, really.

I used to sing in a punk/emo/hardcore type band back in the early 2000s. I was a mic-swinger. we were playing some basement-ass show one time, and I swung my mic around and it flew off the cable, and careened into my friend's leg so hard she ran out of the venue crying. That didn't stop me from doing the same thing…

That actor has been doing a british accent for the entire series., It's Steve Blum, and he plays Zeb too.
someone beat me to that.

I'm gonna miss Lincoln so damned bad.

there were a couple weak songs this season, but the writing got bumped WAAAYY up in exchange.what a fun, wonderful show.

who cares if they're not accessible? (I'd argue that they are more than you'd think) but that's not really what the article is about.

their best record by far.