
…and I hear they make aerospace people write ADA. *shudders*

Maybe not if they don't choke in the playoffs yet again this year. Ugh.

I really hope they use that to skewer the pseudo-religious post-human nonsense some of our wealthier neighbors love babbling to themselves about.

Second generation programmer here:
I don't earn 100k (not that it matters)

Oh god. Here we go again. People insisting that going to college on loans and developing skills to work in an industry where you're well paid in the most expensive state in the country are synonymous to Donald Trump and the Johnson family, doing so on the network built and maintained by those same people? It's

Not unless A: a patent or license of some sort is made, and B: it can be proven that they developed their algorithm by backwards engineering and copying the original code.

My dad was a part of a company that got funding from Sequoia capital — their conference table is, he says, a sequoia tree which has been cut lengthwise and turned into a table. It's pretty nuts. These are powerful *powerful* people we are talking about, and they are the center of gravity that keeps the tech industry

Well no. I doubt anyone without a PhD in math would be able to outdo lz4 or gzip, and I'm not sure indexing those files in the way described in the pilot is possible… But come on. I like this show because for once they actually did their homework and found something that would be pretty valuable and VC-worthy if some