
Actually, this is pretty accurate of fanboyism in general. People don't go from being loyal to one brand to being platform agnostic, they tend to go to the opposite extreme.

Intel's 14nm refresh is also due out later this year. It seems like only yesterday that 65nm was hot shit.

148 GB per square inch. Assuming the tape is 1/4" wide (total guess), then 1 inch of tape would contain 37 GB. Even at max output on Thunderbolt, you'd be writing only 1/2" per second!

Wouldn't tape be cheaper though? Suppose you amassed 1TB of data every day for a year for some research experiment. That would be a lot of HDDs after a while, but only 2 of those 185 TB tapes.

They focused their dev time before launch on new features to get people to upgrade instead of replicating the old (but good) experience of the 360. Also had to revise their whole DRM policy in time for launch. At least they're pushing monthly updates though to get those features out there. Better late than never, I

Do you mean that the picture is affected on the client box? I used to have that issue, but it turns out it was because I was using sub-standard coax cables (apparently they're thicker now and mine were old). Might be worth looking into. The menus and stuff are still slow as hell, but once I manage to get it switched

I'm pretty sure they had God Mode on for making this trailer. Play the game on hard mode if you want bullets to kill you quickly and kill Nazis slowly.

When a player enters a fight, they'll begin by asking how they're going to exit it. The gameplay will be built on a question rather than a habit. Simply running in and shooting won't always be the appropriate response. "How will I do this?" should be the phrase foremost in the player's mind.

Do you have a link to the press release where they said this?

I've been impressed with their X1 updates in the past year. The box used to be really unstable when I first started using it, but it's coming along now. The non-DVR client boxes are still pretty awful though. I think they might just lack the necessary processing power for pretty menus and such.

Yeast would be able to regenerate NAD+ in normal circumstances, but a pH 2 environment isn't exactly normal.

We don't comment on rumor and speculation – we have no comment at this time.

It looks like they delayed the launch until the XB1 had some games on it that Japanese players might actually buy.

Don't know how to delete comments

I think the issue isn't with the networks not getting paid, but with another company making money off of their broadcasts without sharing. It's different from a torrent because Aereo is actually getting paid for the service.

I'm tempted, but I really need my computer to run reliably. Going to have to pass unless there is a feature that I absolutely must have early.

They actually used to rent consoles at Blockbuster a while back. I don't remember the rates, but you could definitely rent an N64 if you just wanted to play through the new Zelda or whatever.

It's the calm before the E3 storm

Chances Of Getting Made? Dunno. Is Splinter Cell still the force it once was as a brand?

It was ok. It was very slow to begin with and the first half of the game felt like an extended tutorial. The main character was not very likable. The economics mini-game was clumsy and unfun.