So Tebow had 3 ABs yesterday and managed to create 5 outs. He just does more with less.
So Tebow had 3 ABs yesterday and managed to create 5 outs. He just does more with less.
First thing I came down here to say. Oatmeal described this perfectly.
no mention of old men balls...sad.
They’re getting the fuck out of the dugout since apparently that’s where the jackass is aiming with the bat flip.
What’s up with the “everyone leave the dugout and meet him at the plate” bullshit like it’s a walkoff homer?
WCW/NWO Revenge is one of best (if not THE best) wrestling games of all time.
I know this doesn’t really stem the hurt, from his perspective, but Glacier is one of the absolute best characters on WCW/NWO Revenge or Nintendo 64. He’s bad-fucking-ass! Which makes sense, given the Sub-Zero connection.
Trump went out of his way to bash Obama for how much he played golf, and now Trump is golfing /at least/ as much.
Doesn’t really sound like a “money is strange” situation. Sounds more like a “you grew up quite rich, and around really rich people” situation.
Spoiler alert you grew up rich. The evidence I used was trips to Europe and Private college.
How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.
Just how tight was this ski suit?