
Welcome to the internet. Commenters are like CNN, wanting to get first jab at any joke...even un-funny jokes...ESPECIALLY unfunny jokes.

Red Sox fans should get an automatic bye to the final round. THEYRE SUCH UNDERDOGS AND DONT SPEND MONEY LIKE THOSE YANKEES

This has been going on since the dollar menu came to pass. It was called a McChurgen, then a McGangBang.

Red Sox are 4th in MLB payroll, 2nd in the AL. Who cares how much more the Yankees spend.

Red Sox with such cheap spending!!!

Was just thinking if there were any more reason to hate Colin Cowherd.

North Hampton is jumping that number up alot. Western Mass is hipster-city.

I see religion as more of a way to teach morals and how to act in public and treat fellow man. Some people take it WAAAAAY more seriously, but acting "through christ" is basically "be christ-like" and don't be a dick.

I think the statute of limitations has been far passed for's like spoiling the Vietnam war.

Not really good at drugging or date-raping if they keep waking up during it.

I'm of the venacular that it SHOULDN'T be news, because it's odd that we're still at a point where someone coming out is national news.

Oh, I get it now. My mistake. I agree.

Oh, if you want to read articles about Dylan Farrows abuse as the center topic, read the other 6000 that were published in the last 2 months.

So as an article about all of her children, we should focus on only one and mention her for the entirety of the article? Oh, look, she's mentioned elsewhere as well. What do you want?

Read Dylan's tab.

Just for the fact that Velveeta is mentioned with Queso I refuse to vote for it.

SPORTS's right in the name. Jeez.

That's what the market entailed. People were offering 6 for 120..Dodgers probably offered around that amt, but Tanaka chose a bigger market. You have to meet the market price, and that's what his demand entailed.